I could sleep here if I had enough time.

My backpack sags uncomfortably on my back but other than that, it's quite nice. Lauren's arms feel safe; like home. I smile against her her skin.

"Okay, sleepyhead, what time did you fall asleep?" Lauren asks, her raspy voice in my ear making me shiver, despite her warm jacket.

"I don't know." I scoff, shutting my eyes. "Some time around ten, I think."

"Not too late, that's good." Lauren says in response.

"What time did you go to sleep?" I echo the green eyed girl's question.

"My mom tells me to go to bed at nine." Lauren briskly replies.

"Your mom?" I furrow my eyebrows, blinking my eyes open.

"Yeah." Lauren drawls, a hard edge to her tone.

"Do you guys get along?" I mumble, afraid of the answer.

Lauren laughs but it's humorless and brittle. "No, we don't get along. My parents... they don't see things like we do. My mom hates me. My dad... puts up with me."

I frown, my features dropping with concern. "Why?"

"They're stupid." Lauren says simply. "It's because we fight a lot. All the time, actually."

"What do you guys fight about?"

"Something that happened last year." Lauren sighs, grasping onto me tighter. I'm pretty sure it's for comfort. "They still bring it up."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Something that cost me a few friends." Lauren sighs but then shakes her head. "But it's in the past now."

"I can't believe your parents hate you." I murmur disbelievingly. "How could anyone hate you? It's crazy."

"When you really think about it, it's not that crazy. A lot of people strongly dislike me." She says it like it doesn't matter; like she's used to it.

That's the saddest part.

"I'll never hate you." I promise her, lifting my head to kiss her cheek gently.

"Thank you." Lauren whispers, humming softly. I rest my head back down, pressing my face against her neck. "It means a lot."

"Of course. You're incredible. I don't know what your parents see." I crinkle my nose at the idea of Lauren going home to a family who doesn't like her. It's terrible.

"I know exactly what they see." Lauren sighs. "And it's not their daughter."

The amount of pain in her words makes my heart break. I frown unwillingly and hug her neck tighter. I can feel her heart beating against mine. This is how it should always be.

"Lauren..." I exhale slowly, nuzzling my face farther into her neck. She relaxes somewhat and that makes my heart skip a beat.

I wonder if she can feel it, too.

The bell dings as we approach the school. We don't meet up with Dinah or Normani but I do see that Dinah notices us over Lauren's shoulder and gives me a pointed look. Then a hint of amusement graces her lips as she disappears with Normani into the crowd.

"Do you want me to carry you into english?" Lauren asks into my ear, entering the building. I can see the doors be forgotten behind us as we stroll forward.

"Mhmm." I nod, humming under my breath. Lauren doesn't respond, she just turns into the correct corridor to travel to Mrs. Gomez's classroom.

"I want to change seats in english. Sitting by Luis gets tiring, he's such a vanilla character; hits on every girl he sees and still can't get a girlfriend except for the pathetic hooks up he can pay for occasionally." Lauren complains and I can imagine her rolling her perfect eyes.

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