Chapter 2 - Lust and Faery Drugs

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“How does my ass look in this?” Enyo asked his brother. The twins were preparing for the night’s festivities. They decided on wearing their regular villain suits since it would look like they were dressing in costume anyway.

            “Exactly like mine. Fabulous,” Eris replied. He ran a straightener through his purple bangs, and they floated back down on his forehead in a feathery curtain.

            “I don’t know. They seem a little tighter than before. Did you put them in the dryer again?” Enyo asked. He was regarding his reflection in the full length mirror on the door.

            Eris watched as his twin pulled on the black spandex covering his butt and let go, it snapped back tight as ever. “Nope, no dryer. Don’t tell me you’re going soft on me, brother,” Eris said with a grin. He snuck up behind his twin and laid a swift smack on Enyo’s right butt cheek. The sound of the smack reverberated around the small dorm. “Yep definitely soft!”

            “You’re going to get it!” Enyo turned around and ran at his twin, who jumped onto Eris’ bed. Enyo followed him but Eris avoided his brother’s clutches jumping on to the other bed.

            “Aw what are you going to do? Sit on me?” Eris taunted.

            Enyo managed to grab a hold of his brother’s ankle and had him on his back in two seconds flat. “Yes I think I will,” Enyo said. He crawled on top of his brother and pinned his twin’s hands to the bed. Enyo wondered briefly why Eris wasn’t resisting. “I’m not going soft,” he insisted. “Admit it.”

            “No,” Eris said stubbornly. He looked up at his twin. The drab lighting of the dorm gave Enyo’s purple hair an iridescent sheen. He was wearing his youthful naughty grin that contrasted with his purple eyes. Those eyes, identical to Eris,’ had an ancient timeless look to them that neither boy could truly understand.

            “I’ll bite you,” Enyo warned.

            “Go ahead,” Eris said immediately.

            Enyo raised his eyebrows in surprise before flashing his pointed cuspids. He descended on his brother’s neck, giving him ample time to give in, before he nibbled on the soft skin above his brother’s clavicle. He trailed his tongue from the base of his brother’s neck all the way to his jawline, trying to disgust him… obviously.

            Eris made a small noise in the back of his throat, but otherwise endured his brother’s proffered torture. Eris’s lack of response caused Enyo to bite down a little harder on his neck. He could taste immortal blood but he still didn’t stop. Eris let out a loud groan, or maybe it was a moan?

            Enyo lifted his head to stare at his twin. “Had enough?” He asked.


            Enyo bit down even harder. “Admit that I’m not soft. Tell me I’m sexy.” He continued assaulting his brother’s neck. Eris made another sound. “Tell me I’m the sexiest!” He growled.

            “Okay, okay, you’re sexy. You’re so fucking hot,” Eris breathed, his hands now clutching at the spandex on his brother’s back. He saw his twin smile triumphantly, there was a bit of his own blood on Enyo’s lip and he brought a finger up to wipe it off. As he sucked the blood off his own finger he saw Enyo watching him curiously. “Now get off me you sexy beast!”

            “Don’t overdo it,” Enyo said sheepishly as he sidled of his brother.

            Eris ran to the mirror and gasped. “You mutilated my neck!” He screeched, grabbing some tissues to dab at the blood.

The Taste of Sin (manxman) [Mature]Where stories live. Discover now