Chapter Sixteen ☆

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Stacy leaned against the front of Eliza's house, arms crossed tightly as a car's headlights briefly illuminated her annoyed expression. The night was cold, the wind tousling her blonde hair and giving her freckled cheeks a frosty glow. Eliza couldn't help but wonder why Stacy was standing there at this late hour, and how she even found her house.

The silence between them felt heavy, a mix of confusion and tension hanging in the air. Stacy's eyes darted around, avoiding direct eye contact, making the whole situation even more awkward. Eliza was left waiting for Stacy to break the silence, the quiet tension making her feel like she was standing on the edge of a precipice.

Finally, Stacy's lips pursed, breaking the silence with a hint of irritation. "Aren't you gonna let me in?"

Eliza hesitated for a moment before stepping aside, allowing Stacy to enter. The door swung open smoothly, without any of the usual protective charms activating. Eliza couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise – how had Stacy managed to bypass the protective magic?

Stacy walked in, her gaze sweeping across the room as if she was searching for something. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of curiosity and caution, and Eliza's mind raced to understand why Stacy was here and what she wanted.

As Stacy entered, Eliza couldn't help but study her closely. Her usually vibrant presence seemed muted, her freckles standing out against her pale skin. Eliza had to wonder if something was bothering her, making her look so different.

Stacy's eyes roamed around the room, her voice finally cutting through the tension. "You smell like a cat. Do you have one?"

Eliza blinked in surprise at the unexpected question. Stacy's observations were uncanny, as if she had some sort of heightened senses. Eliza's mind raced to understand how she could know something like that.

Stacy seemed to catch herself, adjusting her posture and brushing her hair back with a hint of elegance. Her beige trench coat and white boots gave her an air of sophistication that clashed with the late hour and the casual setting.

"Why are you here? And how did you find out where I live?" Eliza's curiosity mingled with a cautious wariness, unsure of Stacy's intentions.

Dawn appeared at the top of the stairs, her presence adding another layer of surprise to the situation. Stacy offered a half-teasing, half-friendly greeting. "Hey, freak."

Dawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's she doing here?"

Eliza's eyes remained locked on Stacy, suspicion and curiosity mingling in her gaze. The atmosphere crackled with unanswered questions, and Eliza couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about this encounter.

"That's what I want to know," Eliza stated, her gaze narrowing as she studied the blonde girl now inside their house. Her mind buzzed with suspicions, and she found herself eyeing the knives in the kitchen, just in case her hunch about Stacy was right.

Stacy shifted her attention between Eliza and Dawn, her actions and words shrouded in a mixture of casual nonchalance and an underlying curiosity. "You two have been missing school lately, so I wanted to see what was up," she said, casually flicking her hair over her shoulder. Eliza couldn't help but wonder why a fellow student would take such an interest in their absence.

"Ever since David disappeared, things have been weird around campus and this little neighborhood," Stacy continued, her tone holding a trace of unease. Eliza couldn't deny that Stacy's presence at this moment felt strangely connected to the recent strange occurrences. As Stacy's eyes finally met hers, a sensation of scrutiny settled over Eliza.

"Have you seen him?" Stacy's question hung in the air, punctuated by the intensity of her gaze. The whole situation seemed like a puzzle, and Eliza had a feeling that Stacy's interest wasn't as innocent as she made it out to be.

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