Life is beautiful.

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I sunk my toes into the sands of Ibiza just after 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was playing shadows on the exposed skin of my legs through the palm fronds. I sighed with content, and closed my eyes, recalling the events leading up to now.

We had arrived at the resort, my eyes nearly bugging out of their sockets at the extravagance.  

Harry practically sauntered up to the front desk to book a room. The woman standing there immediately recognised him, and began practically hyperventilating. I didn't blame her; he looked downright perfect in his black skinny jeans and grey t-shirt.

"Hello there. I'd like the presidential suite for three days, please," he told the woman, looking her straight in the eyes. I could've sworn I saw her swoon, and I laughed to myself. He really had no idea what he did to people sometimes.

After clumsily typing in our reservation, she handed him the keys with shaking hands. "H-here you are, Mr. Styles. Enjoy y-your stay," she stammered in her slight accent. "You too, miss," she acknowledged me with a faint smile.

Harry nodded his thanks, taking my hand and leading me toward the lifts. Once we were inside, I smacked his arm lightly. He feigned hurt, looking at me with confusion. "Ouch! What have I done?"

"That poor girl almost passed out just looking at you. Do you even notice what you do to women?"

He scratched his head in puzzlement. "No, I can't say I have. I've always just thought they were dehydrated or something."

I completely lost it. "Oh my God," I gasped for air, trying to calm my laughter. The lift pinged, and we stepped out into the hallway, walking all the way down to the end .

He fumbled with the key to the double doors. "I'm never good with these things," he muttered, finally getting the door to swing open.

What I saw inside was the most beautiful room I had ever seen. The marble floors seemed to extend for miles, on into the kitchen and down the hall to our room. The whole south wall had been knocked out and replaced by glass, showing the expanse of pristine beach, and the glittering blue sea below. I gasped at the beauty, staring up at Harry who was now looking down at me with a lopsided grin. "So you like it?"

"Harry, this is unbelievable! I love it." He enveloped me in his arms, resting his chin on the top of my head.

I inhaled, taking in the mix of clean laundry and the spicy scent of his aftershave. "I'm glad you're here with me," he whispered, kissing just below my ear. I smiled, tightening my arms around his neck.

He suddenly swept me off my feet, literally; throwing me over his shoulder. "Harry, we were in the middle of such a nice moment," I grumbled as he carried me to the sofa. He rolled his eyes at me as we crashed backwards.

"We have plenty of time for more of those," he murmured, hovering above me. I hummed as he brought our faces closer.

"I like the sound of that," I answered. But before he could connect his lips to mine, I pushed him off forcefully, sending him flying onto the floor. "I'm going swimming!" I cheered, stepping over his sprawled out body and sprinting out of the room and into the lifts.

And so here I was, sat on the warm beach in my sunglasses, breathing in the salt air. The heat was making me sleepy, and I didn't fight the heaviness in my eyelids.

Just as I was dozing off, a pair of strong arms snaked around my waist, causing my eyes to fly open and a squeal to reach my mouth. "Hello, gorgeous," Harry smirked, lifting me by my arms and winding my legs around his waist. "How would you fancy a swim?"

He ran straight for the water at full speed, which only made me hold him tighter. "You wouldn't dare," I gasped. "Harry, no!" That was the last thing I was able to say before he hurtled us into the water.

I stayed under for a few moments, relishing the way the waves flowed around my arms. When I brought my face to the surface, Harry was stood there with his back to me, the water glistening off his skin. He looked like a model out of a magazine.

His hair was yet to be wet, so I quickly took action seeing as he wasn't watching and pressed both hands into his back. Thus sending him face first into the water.

He came up spluttering, whirling around to face me. I shrugged. "What? Now we're even."

He pushed his soaking hair out of his face with a glare. "You'll pay for that," he warned.

I swam closer to him so that our faces were dangerously close. I wasn't dumb; I knew there were probably a few paparazzi flitting around since catching wind of our arrival. But for some reason, I didn't care. "What are you going to do about it?" I whispered, brushing my nose with his.

"Later," he whispered back, running his hands along my sides under the water, causing goose bumps to arise on my skin. "You'll see."

Without warning, his teeth took hold of my bottom lip for a split second, before releasing me and swimming away towards shore. I blinked the stars out of my eyes as I watched him incredulously.

Where had this side of him come from? It was different...not that I was complaining. I stood there for a minute before following him back to land. I found him in a secluded part of the beach surrounded by palm trees.

He was laying just as I had before he had carried me into the water; eyes closed, face tilted toward the sun. I smirked and took my drenched hair and rung it out over his chest. The cold beads of water startled him, and I laughed as his brows furrowed in confusion.

His eyes shot open and looked up at me. "Oh, now you're really going to get it," he growled, reaching up to grab my arm.

He pulled me down onto the sand with him, his hands instantly finding my hair as he crashed our lips together. There was so much passion and pent up frustration in the way our lips moved together that I almost couldn't break away.

"Harry, what about the paps?" I gasped.

"Don't care," he murmured, his kisses becoming less aggressive and more tender. I trailed my fingers over his flawless body, feeling over every nook in his skin that I could without getting carried away.

I felt him shiver under my touch and pull me closer. "You can't keep doing that, love. Not here," he breathed, trying to control himself.

I giggled, taking his hand and standing us up. "Fine, then let's go...not here."

A/N well, this might be my favorite chapter I've written. Partly because I get to invision Harry without a top on which is always nice. Tell me how you guys are liking it so far!

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