Chapter 35

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Your P.O.V

Lauren was driving us to this place an hour away. She seemed really familiar with the roads so I figured that she probably visits this place a lot

"How much do you like this place?" I asked looking at her while she focused on the road

"A lot. In fact I love it. It's one of those typical coffee shops which organise open mic nights and poetry readings" Lauren giggled

"Does that mean you're gonna sing tonight?" I smirked

"You're gonna have to wait a while till I serenade you"

"You enjoy singing?" I asked a little more curious to know more about Lauren

"Yeah once in a blue moon" Lauren smiled

"I'll be waiting for that blue moon very eagerly"

"We're here" Lauren smiled even more wider than she previously was

I looked around and the outside lights were dimmed down. It created a good setting for the vibe of the place

Lauren parked the car as close to the entrance as possible. She then jumped out and ran to my side of the door, "My lady" she smiled and stood aside so I could get out the car


"So this is where I used to come for open mic nights and to get away" Lauren said as we walked to the entrance

"I love the vibe already" I smiled as I gripped Lauren's hand

Lauren led me to a table at the back of the room, which was close to the fireplace. "I'll order the coffee" Lauren shyly smiled and hurriedly kissed my forehead before speed walking to the front counter

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and got it out. I just received a message from Connor but his name popped up on my phone as an incoming call before I could respond to his message

"Hello?! Y/N!? Where are you?"

"Hey Connor, you okay?"

"I'm coming to get you. Tell me where you are"

"What? Why? I'm at a coffee shop away from town"

"Lauren took you there didn't she?"

"Yeah. It's a date"

"I know the place. I'll be there in a few. Don't move"

He hung up and left me confused as to why he sounded so uneasy and how he even knew of this coffee spot.

"Who was that?" Lauren asked as she came back to the table

"Matt's brother" I said as I placed my phone down onto the table

"He has a brother?" Lauren asked in shock as she took a seat

"Yeah. He just got back actually. His job keeps him away from family and friends for long periods of times"

"I know what that feels like" Lauren murmured and looked at her fingers that rested on the table

"You good?" I asked with concern

"Yeah. You?" She asked as she looked back up at me

"He sounded strange on the call and then said he's on his way here" I shrugged

"I can go order another coffee if he wants to join" Lauren said on the verge of getting up

"No" I said quickly and groped her arm before she stood all the way up. "I'll see what he wants and he'll be on his way. This is our first official date and I don't want anything to interrupt that" I smiled and slowly let go of her hand as she eased her way back onto the chair

My Only Virtue (lauren/you)Where stories live. Discover now