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He pulled me gently into a kiss and laid us back down on the bed, wiping the sweat from my face, "Try and get some rest kitten. I'll be here if you have another nightmare, I love you too." he cooed sweetly in my ear. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his body tightly and nuzzled my head into his chest, falling back to sleep but having a dream instead of a gruesome nightmare.   


The next morning I woke up and found that I had slept perfectly fine and that Sebastian was right there next to me making a smile appear across my features. When he woke up I smiled happily and wrapped my arms around him, "Morning!" I cheered happily and nuzzled my head in his chest. He let out a small chuckle from my actions and pulled me away then kissed my forehead, "I'll go prepare you a bath and lay some clean clothes out for you." he stated sweetly and rose from the bed. I giggled softly and followed after him to the bathroom. I watched as he started to fill the tub and pour in the soap, creating the bubbles. He then walked over towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Would my beautiful kitten like help with undressing?" he asked with a smirk and causing a blush to creep up on my cheeks.

I shoved him away and crossed my arms, "No I do not need help, now can you leave so I can get in the bath." I said in a small whining tone. He chuckled and nodded then left the bathroom. Once he was gone I sighed in relief as I quickly go undressed and stepped into the steamy and bubbly bath water, quickly relaxing into it. After relaxing and then getting washed up I hopped out of the tub and dried off with a towel. I peeked my head out the bathroom and noticed that Sebastian wasn't in the room but he had left a clean, royal blue dress with thin black lace that had intricate black patterns all over the bottom. I walked over to the bed and quickly got dressed then walked downstairs where Ciel had already been waiting, "Morning Phantomhive." I said with a smile and sat down in a chair that was to his right.

He gave a fake smile and gave me a reply but sighed, "We are going to be heading to the undertaker's in a few days to see if he'll give us any more information on you being this far back in time." he said casually as he took a sip of his tea. I shot him a glare as he said that and crossed my arms with a small huff, "So, guessing you want to send me home then?" I asked with sarcasm evident in my snarky tone. "Yes, sadly it is too dangerous for you to stay and whether Sebastian likes it or not, he will follow every order I give him." he stated furrowing his brows in anger. After the long morning I had only been roaming the manor in boredom, I looked out one of the windows that I passed by and noticed sebastian was starting to yell at finny for any mistake that he may have caused to the garden. I shrugged it off and continued to walk down the long corridor of the manor with a heavy sigh escaping me.

After the long day had finally ended I was worried that the undertaker was able to send me home. I crashed in my bed that night lost in thought over what ciel said and something wet left a trail down my cheek, "What's the matter kitten? why are you crying?" the gentle and sweet voice asked. I turned over and my raven wiped the tear away from my cheek but it was in vain as more continued to fall down my face, "C-ciel wants to send me back to my time. I-I don't want to go back." I whined into his chest. He rubbed my back soothingly has my tears came to a halt, "Don't worry, I'm sure he has another plan in mind. don't think too much about it kitten." he said sweetly as I drifted to sleep in his arms. 

Over the next few days, I had thought of only what could happen the day we left to go meet up with the undertaker and the day had finally come. I woke up early and cleaned up for the day just as ciel had told me to do. While we rode towards London from the manor I could feel my heart starting to race from fear, "Calm down (y/n), this isn't going to kill you." ciel stated as he kept his gaze out the window. "Easy for you to say, I've been here so long, I haven't paid the bills to my apartment and all the food is bad. I'm sure I'll be living on the streets if undertaker sends me home." I stated with a frown. He ignored me and kept his gaze at the window. When we arrived in London it felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. 

When we had finally arrived at the undertaker's shop I gulped and leaned closer to Sebastian, afraid to let go. "Well, do I have the pleasure of fittin' you for one of me coffins?" the eerie voice of undertaker asked throughout the room. "No, I need information. I want to know how to send (y/n) back to her own time and world." Ciel stated firmly. The undertaker popped out of a coffin causing me to jump a little, "Now why would you want to do that after the trouble of bringin' her here?" he asked as he stood behind me. "She's been in danger too many times and it's safer where she was before we met. I want her to go home." he stated sternly. 

When I heard Ciel say that I felt my heart drop and tears threaten to spill, "Well, leave the girl here. I'll send her back." the undertaker stated and I wrapped my arms around Sebastian tightly, not letting go. "If I want to stay phantomhive, I will!" I yelled as a tear slipped from my eye. "If you stay you'll end up dead." Sebastian rubbed my back soothingly and looked over at ciel with a glare, "Young master, the Trancy brat and Faustus are both dead. I think she'll be fine now." he said softly. "Fine, if she's in danger once more then she's going home and that's final." ciel growled angrily as he stormed out of the shop. I moved away from Sebastian's chest and wiped my eye's, "How come you think I won't be in danger again?" I asked through my small sniffles. 

He cupped my cheek gently and looked me in the eye, "I know you won't be in danger kitten. They were the main threat and anyone else is tedious." he said sweetly and kissed my cheek. "Let's get going." He held my hand gently and walked out of the shop then we left heading towards the manor once again. After the long ride back, Sebastian had picked me up and out of the carriage since I had fallen asleep. I opened my eyes slightly and rubbed them, "Are we home..?" I asked, yawning softly as I held onto him tightly. The tall raven haired male nodded with a small smile as he walked up the stairs to the manor and to the to room. He laid me down and covered me up with the blanket, kissing my forehead, "I'll be back in but a moment kitten." he said softly. He turned on his heel and started walking towards the hallway, leaving me to fall asleep.

authors note~

I know I haven't been updating at all but I will try to finish this story soon, a BIG thank you to anyone who actually still reads anything I wrote ^^ And sorry about the terrible chapter!!!!

My account that I've been on will be at the top of my bio soon!!

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