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He kissed my cheek but I noticed lizzy found the mistletoe from one of the bags. She shrieked but I just burst into laughter. When she was about to confront me on it a figure came bursting through the door.


Everyone in the room turned their attention to the reapers. "Oh bassy~ are you starting this holiday without me~" grell shouted running and pulling sebastian away from me. I walked closer to lizzy snatching the mistletoe from her and walking away to hide it. I walked up to my room and put it in the drawer on my side table then went back to everyone.

When I walked in the room not only were the reapers there but Lao and ran Mao were there as well. All of a sudden I heard loud and obnoxious laughter coming from all around then I feel a presence behind me. When I turn to face him it was none other than the undertaker. "Undertaker, are you gonna spend Christmas with us?" I asked. "Of course (y/n)" he simply said with laughter trailing after his sentence. I giggled at how sebastian glared at the undertaker since he was so close to me but I made my way closer to everyone. 

When I was sitting on the floor I started to unpack some ornaments from their box. Sebastian brushed grell aside and knelt down next to me. "So who do you want to put the first ornament on the tree kitten." he asked sweetly. I smiled and decided that ciel should put the first ornament on the tree. "Wha- why me!?!" he asked. "Because ciel you get the first ornament, now pick one you like and put it on the tree." I said with a smile. I watched as ciel picked up a matte red ornament and placed it on the tree. We then all took turns placing the ornaments on the tree until it was covered with them. "So, who gets to put the Star on the tree?" lizzy asked.

I thought of ways it could be fun and fair so I left the room and went to ciel's study and took one of his pens off his desk and a blank sheet of paper then I went back to the living area where I left everyone. "Did you take that out of my study!?!" ciel asked while shouting. "Yep!" I shouted cheerfully. I counted everyone who wanted do put the Star on the tree and wrote their names on the paper.

I ripped it up to where the names were separated and asked sebastian to get a bowl. He did as told and I put all the strips of paper in it. To make it fair sebastian mixed the papers up and picked one. When he pulled it out he read the name and lizzy beamed with joy since she was the one that got picked. Sebastian lifted lizzy up so she could reach the top and she placed the star on the tree. When she was set down she was smiling and giggling.

While everything was going on ran Mao tugged on my arm and pulled me along with her. I took a glance back to sebastian and saw a wide smirk plastered to his features which caused me to slightly panic. When we made it to a room ran Mao started looking in what I assumed was her things. When she faced me she showed me another short outfit like the one she had me wear once before. I sighed and let her put it on me. Once I was dressed in the short outfit I looked in the mirror, I blushed at how much of my legs were revealed but ran Mao had me slip some black flats on and she pulled me out of the room.

Your outfit ^

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Your outfit ^

When we got back downstairs I blushed at how short the kimono was but the only one who was happy about me wearing such short clothing was Sebastian. Ran Mao shoves me closer to Sebastian and I blushed a crimson red since I could feel him looking at me. "Calm down kitten you look absolutely lovely." he said quietly in my ear. Ciel then dismissed everyone to their rooms since it was getting late, the only ones who hadn't left the room was me and Sebastian. While I was standing next to the tree I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. "W-what are y-you doing!?!" I said nervously. He layed his head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "How am I going to resist my beautiful kitten when she's dressed in such beautiful clothing."

When I heard those words my face felt extremely hot. "Is the cute little feline blushing?" he asked smirking. His actions made me slightly uncomfortable since I was in such short clothing. "S-sebastian c-can I get into something a little less revealing?" I asked nervously. He chuckled at my nervousness and let go. "Of course kitten I wouldn't want you being uncomfortable." he said with a smirk.

I ran to my room while holding the skirt down so he can't see my underwear while I ran. When I get to my room I untie the obi and set the pieces of clothing on the bed then walk over to my wardrobe and grab a clean nightgown and undergarments then make my way to the joined bathroom. I run myself a nice hot bath then put some soap in the water to make the bubbles. I finish taking off my clothes and step into the tub.

After about thirty minutes of bathing I drain the tub and rinse all the bubbles off of my body. I grab a nearby towel and wrap myself up and step out. After drying my body and getting dressed I hang the towel on a rod then leave only to find sebastian laying on my bed. "I do hope you had a relaxing bath my dear sweet feline." I blushed at his remark about me being a feline. "How long have you been in my room?" I asked with a red face. "Only fifteen minutes kitten." he said bringing me to the bed.

He layed me down and he layed next to me. "You get some rest now. The young master has agreed to letting everyone go into london tomorrow to start their Christmas shopping." I layed my head down on his chest just feeling the rise and fall of his chest with every breath he took. I eventually fell asleep to him saying sweet words to me and ending with, "I won't ever let harm come to you, you are the most important thing in the universe to me I love you kitten, goodnight." I smiled as I slipped into the darkness of sleep.


I looked around me at the pitch black environment then a sudden switch showed a beam of light shining down on a man dress in a similar suit to sebastian's but the color was different. He had an erie vibe about him, I hesitantly rise to my feet and walk over to the man but when I stand in front of him he slices my torso with a blade creating a deep gash from my left shoulder diagonally going to my right hip. I fall to what seems to be the ground and he flips me on my back and leans down, "Now you shall never be tainted again sweet child."

~end of nightmare~

I jolt my body out of bed clutching my heart since it felt as though it would burst out of my chest. I breathe heavily and really fast, then bring my other hand to wipe my forehead. "What seems to be wrong kitten?" sebastian asked with obvious worry. I snatched the covers off and looked at my body for the cut but found nothing. My heart rate slowed and my breathing evened, as I relaxed back into the bed. "Kitten, are you alright?!" he asked concerned.

I looked at him and snatched him closer into a hug. While we were holding each other he was rubbing my back in circles and calming me down, as he was starting to lean backwards I got scared. "Sebastian I don't want to go back to sleep. I'm scared." I said with a shaky voice. He sat up and pulled me on his lap, "I'll never leave you kitten, you are the most important human that I've come to know. I love you, will it make you feel better if you tell me about your nightmare?" he asked holding me close.

I looked up to sebastian with scared eyes but I could feel his concern. "Well I couldn't see anything it was pitch black, then there was light shining down on a man. He sliced my body with a sword and told me 'you shall never be tainted again sweet child'." I felt a tear slip at the feeling of the blade cutting me, then a hand was placed on my cheek. "Do not worry kitten, no one will harm you." he said then pulled me into a kiss. When he pulled away he layed back down and pulled me down too. He layed me on his chest and I buried my face and gripped him since I was still a little scared to go back to sleep. "You can rest kitten nothing will happen to you while you sleep. I'll be right here." he said calmly. For about an hour I lay there awake listening to his sweet and gentle words while I drift back to sleep. My grip on his body loosens and I smile in my sleep, this time not having a nightmare.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

Secrets of the Sapphire pendantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن