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The rest of the afternoon went by smoothly only I ended up feeling a little pain that quickly subsided but no other disturbances. The only thought that I had on my mind was 'What could Claude have up his sleeve?'  


Over the next few days of not having the stitches, I haven't felt any pain from the scars or my legs which made me happier, but Sebastian's still being protective, not wanting me to move around too much. While walking around the manor, stretching my legs I could feel a gaze locked on me. I looked around the hall but couldn't see anyone, the uncomfortable feeling of being watched was getting to me so I decided to find Sebastian. I looked in the normal areas where he would be, like the kitchen and library but he was nowhere to be found.

I gave up looking for him so I walked quickly to Ciel's study when I made it to the outside of his door it opened. I jumped but found Sebastian leaving with a tray, "Are you alright kitten? You seem jumpy." he questioned. "I was looking for you, guess you were here." I said. He looked at me questioningly and told me to follow him to the kitchen. While walking I couldn't feel that same strange gaze, "Uhm Sebastian? were you watching me earlier?" I asked. He turned his head and looked at me with very concerning eyes, "What do you mean, 'watching you'? Kitten do you feel watched?" he asked with worry.

I started feeling the same gaze again, "Whoever was watching me earlier, they're doing that again." I said with a frightened tone. "Follow me." he stated bluntly. I did as he said and followed him around the manor while he did his chores but he barely said anything. When dinner time came he told me to go sit at the table with Ciel, which I did. When I sat at the table Ciel immediately started questioning me, "(Y/n), what's going on with Sebastian? He's been acting serious all day and it's not normal for him." I looked at Ciel and was about to speak but Sebastian walked in cutting our conversation short. He explained what we were eating and stood by Ciel the entire time we ate. "Alright, this is an order Sebastian, what's going on?" he asked in a demanding tone. 

I looked at Sebastian then Ciel but back to Sebastian as he started to talk, "Apologies for not informing you sooner but apparently Faustus lived even though he was left in a terrible state. He appeared weeks ago and told us that he was coming for (y/n), she informed me earlier that she felt like she was being watched. I believe he's planning on making a move soon but I don't know when." he explained. Ciel looked at me with a wide eye and asked me if I felt the stare, "Yeah, he's watching now." I said looking down at my hands in my lap. "Don't worry (y/n) Sebastian won't let harm come to you and neither will I. Sebastian, plan a ball, I believe he will show up since he will be able to hide among the crowd but keep close eyes on her." 

Sebastian did his normal 'yes my lord' pose and we went back to eating. When we finished eating I helped Sebastian with the dishes while Ciel excused himself to his study. "Kitten, you go play a game with the young master, if something happens he'll call for me by the contract." he said. He took the plates from my hands and kissed me on the forehead and I walked to the study. When I got to the door I knocked then walked in, "Sebastian sent you?" he asked and I nodded. "Then how about a game?" "Sure but not that weird game you played with Damien." I said. "Why not?" he asked with a smirk. "The coincidence that all his events happened the same as his moves in the game is weird and I would rather be confused playing chess than figure out what that game says for me." 

He grabbed the chess board and set it up on the table and sat down playing. While playing and thinking of which moves to make I could hear the wind howling outside in the dark, starless night. I noticed that he had left his king wide open but, in the anime I remember him setting this trap when he plays with his guests so I didn't take the move. I moved another piece that made no difference in the outcome of a loser or winner. "I'm surprised (y/n), normally people fall for that trick." he said with surprise in his voice. "You forget Phantomhive, I know you better than anyone else. I did watch black butler more than once." I said with a smirk. "That you did, well you won't win this game. How about if you lose then you have to play that board game with me." he said returning the smirk. "What do I get if I win the game?" I asked.

My question made him think about the scenario which gave me time to make my next move after his. I didn't win but he didn't have an opportunity to capture my king. "How about you get to act like the earl for the day, aside from the paperwork." "So, I get to have a higher rank for the day and boss you around?" I asked for clarification and he nodded. I grew a wide smirk on my face and decided to play for the win. When we were about to finish the game we were tied but Sebastian walked in to say that it was nearly midnight. "Not now Sebastian, if I win then I can boss you and Ciel around but if he wins I have to play his evil board game, I'm winning this before bed." I said concentrating on the game.

He gave me a wide-eyed look and I knew I was going to win since Ciel only had one possible move to make and I was able to take his king after. When he made his move I took his king in pure victory and cheered happily. "H-how do you always beat me?" he asked confused. "The student always surpasses the master and you were my chess teacher." I said with a wide smile. Ciel huffed and started heading for the door but I stopped him. "So, when do I get to boss you around?" I asked with my smirk. "Next week when my latest case is solved." he said with a yawn. I gave him an 'okay' before I walked off heading to my room, when I got there I grabbed night clothes and went to the bathroom.

When I went to the bathroom I did the normal routine, I filled the tub with hot, steamy water and put soap in it to make bubbles. After that, I got undressed getting into the bath, although while in the bath I wasn't as comfortable and relaxed like any other time so I quickly washed and got out. When I was finished getting dried off and dressed, I brushed my hair and went to lay down. While laying in bed I felt that same set of eerie eyes on me so it was hard to fall asleep like normal, so I just lay there in the dark hoping that Sebastian comes to bed soon. I lay there what seemed to be forever and I eventually feel my eyes getting heavier by the second and the exhaustion becomes too much and I drift off to sleep but before I slip I feel a gloved hand cross and cover my mouth, the last words I hear are, "I told you that he won't save you this time." then I was out like a light.


hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for any missed typos

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