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I wrapped my arm around his torso and started feeling my eyes get heavier and heavier by the second. Before I closed my eyes I whispered, "I love you" to sebastian and slipped into a deep sleep.


When I woke up I felt a small chill run down my spine. When I sat up and stretched I had realized the outfit that I had wore for bed and darted back under the covers. "Good morning kitten." Sebastian said sweetly then planting a kiss on my lips. I asked if he would look away so I could get dressed and he nodded. When I stepped out of bed I looked back at Sebastian who had a smirk plastered on his face, "Y-you said you wouldn't look." I stuttered with a red face. He stood up and walked over to me, snaking his arms around my waist.

My whole body stiffened at the touch and he gave a deep chuckle at my reaction. "You slept so peacefully, why are you embarrassed in that now." he said in my ear. I blushed and tried to get out of his grip but he held me tightly. "Sebastian please I feel... nude in this." I said hesitantly. He gave another chuckle but let go. I ran over to the wardrobe grabbing a lavender dress and going to the bathroom. Once I was changed into the dress I brushed my hair, curled the ends, and left it down.

When I walked back into the bedroom I saw Sebastian buttoning up his white shirt and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. "Is my kitten lonely?" he asked. I nodded into his back and he pulled me around his body by my arms. When I was facing him he wrapped his arm around my body while the other held my head and pulled me into a kiss, I entangled my fingers in his black raven hair.

When we pulled away I caught a glimpse of something from the window watching and my heart skipped a beat. My eyes grew wide and my grip tightened on his arm, "Kitten?" he questioned. All I could do was point to the window. He let go of me and walked over to the window looking out then turning back to me, "Kitten there's no one there. Are you feeling alright?" he asked kissing my forehead. "I'm not crazy and I don't have a fever. I saw someone there and he was watching us, it almost felt like he was the guy from those nightmares." I said shakily.

I noticed that Sebastian held a serious facial expression as if he was ready to kill someone. He finished putting the rest of his clothes on and grabbed me by the arm without saying a word. While we walked down the hallways I kept asking Sebastian 'what's going on' but he never replied. When we stopped I looked at him and noticed that we were standing in front of Ciel's room. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "I have to prepare the young master for the day and you'll be staying with him." he said straightforward. I felt my heart skip a beat out of fear but I heard Sebastian knock and say 'It's time to wake up young master' then walk in still pulling me along.

I was standing in the middle of the room watching Sebastian open the curtains then Ciel started waking up. "Hm, I take it that he's here then?" he asked straightforward. "Yes my lord." Sebastian answered. "My lady would you-" I interrupted him by pointing to the window since I saw the same man standing in a tree far off. When Sebastian went to look he vanished. "I swear I saw him!?! I don't know who he is though." I said. Sebastian hugged me and planted a kiss on my cheek, "Mind facing towards the window for a bit?" he asked. I shook my head giving a no and he started changing Ciel.

While I watched out the window the man that I had caught glimpses of stood back in the tree but as he was about to do something I saw Grell and Ronald charge at the man with their death scythes. "SEBASTIAN!" I shouted. He told me I was fine and walked over to the window to find the two Reapers attacking a man. I heard a low growl come from Sebastian and he had Ciel watch me. "(Y/n) he's going to be fine. He fought him once before." Ciel said watching the scene as well. While watching I saw that the fighting had briefly stopped and Sebastian walked out. Grell was swooning and the mysterious man had said something that made the raven snap.

I watched as Sebastian and the man clashed, throwing punches at each other but all of a sudden blood is flown across the field and Sebastian is holding his shoulder. I had no control over my body as I ran out of the manor and towards the scene. When I arrived I saw Sebastian laying on the ground with the sword held to his neck, all I hear is 'This kills demons quite easily'. I ran over to Sebastian holding him. "What are you doing here kitten!?" he asked. I saw the fear in his eyes which made me angry.

"Who the hell are you and why are you doing this!?!" I shouted to the same man. "Well my lady, my name is ash and I'm an angel. I'm quite surprised that you haven't figured that out yet but I assume this putrid beast wouldn't tell you." he stated pointing the sword at Sebastian's throat. "P-please leave him alone. It's me you want, right?" I asked afraid for the raven. "My dear, my job is to purify the demon as well, you were just tainted by the son of hell in the process." he stated. "W-what!?! Tainted!?! IF ANYTHING YOU'RE THE ONE GOING AGAINST GOD!?!" I shouted at him. "God never disciplines his so called 'children' when they fall in love. Besides aren't you a fallen angel?" when I called him a fallen angel he snapped barely slicing my arm causing me to hiss in pain.

Sebastian yelled for Ronald or Grell to grab me and Grell was the first to get to me. "NO! Grell, you have to help him!!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry (y/n) but bassy needs to kill that angel and he can't do that if he's worried for your safety." he stated rushing me towards the manor. When we were inside he brought me back to Ciel who was in his study as usual. "Thank you Grell, please assist Sebastian if needed." he said. Grell left and Ciel had walked over to find the slice on me. He sighed and called for mey-rin, who came in moments later. "Y-yes young master?" she stuttered. "Please bring some alcohol, a rag, and some bandages. (y/n) is injured." he said calmly. Mey-rin rushed out of the room while stumbling but never falling.

When she was gone Ciel started scolding me. "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" he shouted. "You could have gotten yourself killed." All I did was stay silent, mostly because the pain radiating from my arm was killing me. Ciel sighed but mey-rin came back with the first aid and left due to Ciel's order. He ripped my sleeve off revealing the wound and it was bad for just a small slice. When he applied the alcohol to my skin it stung like putting your own hand in a fire just letting your skin scorch. I hissed at the pain but soon after I felt cloth being wrapped around it.

When he was done he ripped the sleeve completely off to where there was no sleeve at all. "Sebastian might kill me for doing that but it would get in the way." he said. While sitting in the study with Ciel I was nervous the whole time thinking about Sebastian and how injured he would be. My thoughts were brought to a halt as I noticed Ciel's eye grow wide, as he stood up he was slammed to the ground. "CIEL!" I screamed. A hand was then tightly wrapped around my neck preventing me from breathing in clear breaths. "W-where i-is seb-astain." I choked out. The angel dropped my body and then picked me up by my hair dragging me with him.

When we were in the yard I saw Sebastian battered with his clothes ripped and blood oozing from his wounds. I screamed bloody murder but was silenced from the angel choking me once again. "The demon has been purified dear and next it's your turn." he laughed maniacally. I eventually passed out from the loss of oxygen and the last thing that I saw was Sebastian's limp body lying in a pool of blood.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I apologize for spelling errors that I overlooked. :D thank you to everyone who keeps up with the story it means a lot!!!!

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