chapter 22

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With lots of love, to all my readers, here comes the next chapter😘😘😘

Gupta house:

Khushi explained and convinced her buaji about her trip to Lucknow. But, Payal wasn't convinced yet.

Khushi: Buaji, its my duty and you know, I would never back out from my duties. I am an employee and should listen to my boss. I know, tomorrow is Diwali. Even, I have prepared everything for this festival. I have also tried to convince my boss but he gave me no chance except listening to his words. So, the only thing I could do now is, going to Lucknow along with him.

Even though, Khushi explained the things to her Buaji, she herself was feeling sad. Sad because she couldn't enjoy the festival along with her family. Sad because she couldn't do anything on this festival except following her boss. Sad because her boss was not a human, but a Rakshas. She felt tears forming in her eyes, when she remembered those hurtful words used by her boss. But, she controlled herself. She shouldn't cry, at least infront of her family.

Buaji: Its ok thithaliya, you go to Lucknow. I believe your boss is not a bad person. He might not have called you tomorrow, if it is not an important work.

Khushi nods even though she doesn't approve her buaji's statement but Payal feels something fishy.

Buaji: Why don't you meet Shashi babua and your Amma if you are going to Lucknow.

Ya, she thought of meeting her parents after her bapuji's treatment. But, situations turned out in such a way that she couldn't even leave Delhi without the permission of her boss and she knew, taking even an hour permission from her boss would be next to impossible.

Khushi: ya, I will ask my boss (she answered though she doesn't have any hope)

Buaji: Ok then, go to sleep now. Its already late and we need to perform pooja tomorrow, before you leave to office.

Khushi nods, wishes goodnight to her Buaji and leaves to her bedroom followed by Payal.

Payal: Khushi, tell me the truth. Was everything alright? Initially, I had doubts, but those doubts are clarified now.

Khushi: Jiji, what are you speaking about?

Payal: I know how the first meeting of yours and yours boss went off, and I also know how he is torturing you by assigning heavy work these days. So, don't try to tell all those crap which you told to Buaji. Tell me the entire truth now or bear my silence from now on because I am not going to talk to you unless you tell me the truth.

Khushi (in a sad tone): What should I tell jiji? That he threw harsh words at me just because I disagreed to go to Lucknow, tomorrow.... He ordered me to come to Lucknow along with him, tomorrow and when I denied, he had shown me what he actually was, is and will be - a monster.

Payal: So you agreed?

Khushi: ha jiji. I have agreed so that he won't start speaking about my status again.

Payal: You don't need to go along with him, Khushi. Can't you see he is torturing you.

Khushi: My love towards my Bapuji is stronger than my hate towards him, jiji. I should have left my job in other cases but not this time. Amma, Bapuji and you have given so much to me. You people looked after me very well. You are there with me all the time. Otherwise, an Orphan like me....

Payal(cutting her words in middle): Khushi, dare you speak that again. Don't forget that you are my sister and I don't want to hear those words about my sister, again.

Pyaar ka rastha...nafrath se shuruvath(completed)(hatred to love: a flip) Where stories live. Discover now