chapter 8

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Khushi(biting her nails): hey Devi Maiya, phir se vahe chehra. Please save me from this Rakshas today.

Arnav heard her murmuring and became more furious.

Arnav: you? What are you doing in my office? Who gave you permission to enter into my cabin?

Khushi is totally pissed off by his concept of 'my'. Why does she has to face him again?

Khushi: I know that, this is your office, your cabin, Mr.Raizada( by now Khushi has guessed who her boss is). Amanji told me to meet you(she clarified) and you only have given me the permission to enter into your cabin.

But Arnav mistakes Khushi as Lavanya when he hears her telling that.

Arnav: oh, so you are the one. I wonder how di can select such a mad girl for me?

Khushi: excuse me! (Khushi could not understand what Arnav is speaking about but she understood that he has called her mad)

Arnav: see, I don't like to beat around the bush. I am not interested in marriage. So, I would like to suggest you to select someone else as your groom.

Khushi: what????? Mr.Raizada, what are you speaking? Marriage? Groom?

Arnav: Look, di has told me that you like me very much. But, I would not like to be tangled in any new relationship now and to be frank, I have a better option than you.

Khushi: hold on, Mr.Raizada. I think you are not feeling well. In that case, you would have taken rest at home. Over work will make people go mad sometimes.

Khushi gave that advice to Arnav as she couldn't make out what Arnav is speaking about and that too with an employee. But Arnav got angry that she dared to call him mad.

Arnav(gritting his teeth): miss. Lavanya Kashyap, how dare you to tell me that I have gone mad.

Khushi: wait a second Mr.Raizada, now who is this Lavanya Kashyap?

Arnav: oh, so you have forgotten your name too. You should visit a mental hospital before advising others considering them mad.

Khushi: I will visit, if you are right. But by God's grace I am not Lavanya. I am Khushi Kumari Gupta. Register my name in your mind.

Arnav: what?

Khushi: yeah, you heard me right. I am Khushi Kumari Gupta and I am here to work in your office, not in the search of a groom. Amanji has told me to meet the boss who is none other than you and so I have come to your cabin.

Arnav: what? That means Aman has hired you. How could he hire someone like you?

Khushi: Excuse me, what do you mean by that?

Arnav: I mean that there is only one place for you, which is outside the gates of this office. You are not worth to work in AR.

Khushi's mouth shaped into an O to that comment and thought of answering him back but he didnot allow her to speak as he moved away and dialed Aman calling him to his cabin.

Arnav just ignored Khushi's words until Aman's arrival but as soon as Aman arrived, he started roaring at that poor soul.

Arnav: what the hell Aman, is it right that you have selected her to work in my office?

Aman(gulping): ya ASR, but what's the matter? Has she committed any mistake?

Arnav: I don't need to give any damn explanation to you. Just take her away from my sight.

Aman couldn't understand anything and looked at Khushi. On the other hand, Khushi was thinking how could a man be such rude with a woman. So she decided to speak up.

Khushi: How can he explain what's the matter, when I am not at fault(she started). He just had preassumed things that I am Lavanya Kashyap.

Now, Aman got to know that Arnav mistook Khushi as Lavanya but why was he so cold towards Khushi, he could not makeout.

That's it, Arnav Singh Raizada could not allow anyone to speak against him, especially the one who is in front of him whom he hates, at least he thinks like that.

Arnav moved towards Khushi with dreadful eyes. He held her hand twisting it tightly at her back and started speaking.

Arnav: you are right miss. Khushi Kumari Gupta. You are not at fault. Its me who misunderstood you. Perhaps, I would have thought for once by seeing you that how could a middle class girl like you be Lavanya Kashyap? I should have thought of your standard once. Aukath kya hey thumhare? We both are not even comparable.

Khushi who was struggling till now due to Arnav's hold on her arms, had stopped struggling after hearing those heartless words. She looked into his eyes with pain in them and tears had started rolling out of her eyes. How could a person be this rude! How could he speak about her like that?

Arnav don't know what made him weak after looking into those eyes that he left her hand in a jerk and moved away a little but he is still in the angry mode.

Khushi: Thank you for reminding me who I am and where I belong Mr.Raizada. Its right that I would never fit in your world or in your office.

Arnav heard that but didn't respond. He walked towards his seat and started pretending that he was working.

Khushi moved towards Aman slowly with her sad face. Aman witnessed the entire scene. He was tensed and worried for Khushi but had no guts for going against ASR.

Khushi: My first day in your office is very nice Amanji. I can't even forget it in my life( she said in a sarcastic way). Tell your boss that this middle class girl will not enter into his office again. Let him be happy.

By saying that, she left the cabin and very soon the office too.

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