Chapter Seventeen

Começar do início

"Sorry. Don't blame me for been too caring" I roll my eyes. I guess I should stop reading those wattpad books.

"I see!" He calms down, wearing a smirk.

"Just get back to your position!" I order him.

"Why should I?" He asks obviously testing my patience. He should know better.

"Chris? As you were!" I tell him while tapping my laps.

"Okay, okay" He gives up and places his head on my laps once again.

"You know, under normal circumstances, this would be romantic." I look into his eyes.

"What's keeping it from being that?" He asks, looking almost confused.

"Eww. Chris! No way." I shift his head and lose the eye contact.

I hear him chuckle then silence. This is awkward. I decide to go back to cleaning his wounds. Really Awkward.

I begin humming the song Let it go by one Inigo Mendez or something. All I know is that the song was featured in Frozen, my favourite Disney movie.

Minutes go by and when I observe and look at Chris I notice he's asleep. I release myself from his weight and get up then dispose the water I used to clean him up. I grab the remote and play my paused movie but they enthusiasm is gone so I just put it off and decide to read wattpad.

Seconds into a book, my door breaks open. I thought I locked that door!

"Where's he." I hear Jessica shout as she storms to the sitting room where I am.

"Calm down babe, he's over there!" I say pointing to the couch where Chris lay.

She rushes out of my front and heads to the couch I had pointed to her. Then Jerry came in. He looks calm unlike Jessica. Then again, its Jeremiah we're talking about here folks. This guy has seen hell.

"Hi." What's up with this guy and that word. I am beginning to think that he wasn't short of words when he first spoke to Jessy. He just greeted her like he would.

"What's up with you and that word?" I always wanted to ask him that.

"What do you mean?" He asks back.

"You know what I mean Jay!" Well since we're all friends, Chris gave us the permit to call Jerry, Jay as well. Its not like he had a choice.

"Honestly," He sits besides me. "I don't." He grabs the remote from my hands and plays the movie I paused after losing interest.

"Really, Jay." I sit up to look at him properly, let him know that am not joking. "Don't play that game with me."

"What's up with you and Indian movies?" He asks out of nowhere, totally ignoring me and to be sincere, that hurt a bit.

"Well, what's going on between you and Nollywood?" I ask back smirking. If there's one thing I know about Jerry, then it's the fact that he hates any thing that has to do with the Nigerian movie industry.

"They suck at what they do and you know that." He mutters something to himself. "I just hate those guys."

"Just so you know, I prefer Bollywood to Nollywood" I grab the remote from him.

"Me too" He sighs in relief. Does he hate really hate Nollywood that much?

"You're weird, you know that?" He just smiles.

"So whats the title?" He asks, again ignoring me.

"Ender's Game" I say, as cover up. Hopefully he'll drop the question.

"Clara," he turns his head and faces me. "That's Sci-fi. And I've watched it." Of course he has.

"Sorry, I don't know." I give up, sighing in defeat. Then he rushes me and before I know what he's up to, I feel something leave my hand. What's that!

"Got it." He says waving the remote.

"Hei, that's mine!"

"Come and get it!"

I rush towards him but he skillfully dodges me and stands up then moves to another couch. He's going too get what's coming to him, real bad. I prepare myself to launch at him, calculating all the angles and weighing my chances of hitting him bullseye in the stomach without hurting myself. I love maths.

"Really, guys!" Someone screams. Who else is in this house. "Chris is almost dying here and all you can do is play around?"

"We're not playing" Jerry defends.

"And Chris is fine!" I finish.

"Well, at least show some concern!" Jessica continues yelling

"Excuse me but in case you haven't noticed, I cleaned him up and put him to sleep. I mean, I've been with him for hours!" I yell back. This is fun.

"And so?" She yells back. Okay, this is getting out of hand.

"Jessy calm down." Jerry speaks up and walks towards her. She instantly calms down and lowers her head. Jerry's got her charm. Nice. Even I could not do that. Normally we'd shout our hearts and heads out them apologise and move on.

"Am sorry" She sobs. Is she crying? "Its just that am scared. Have you seen him? He's all changed. Like he was beaten to pulp." She says looking at Jerry.

"I wanted to see him after you were done but from what you've said, I think I'll pass." Jeremiah states.

"Jerry, not funny." I look at him and shake my head in disapproval.

"Okay just a peek." He gives in.

"That's all am asking for." Jessica tells him.

He walks to the couch at the end of the room where Chris lay, peacefully sleeping, leaving I and Jessica to ourselves.

"Okay, since we're all here, let's have a mini party. Just us!" I announce.

"Not now, Clara!" Jessica says running her head and sitting down.

"Why not?"

"Guys?" Jerry calls out and we look towards his direction.

He looks at us with fear written on his features.

"I don't think Chris is Breathing."


I seriously hate Nollywood. Who's with me?

Question: Is Chris dead? Silly question. Let's try another one, shall we?

Question: Who really is this guy that possesses The Evil Version of Kung-Fu?

I love Kung-fu. So I decided to add that line. Awesome. Plus I really hate Nollywood.

Don't forget to:





Love y'all.

I Don't Do FriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora