" Please, please don't do this." He said, recollecting his calmness. " I care about this game as much as you do."

No answer, not even movements from the other side of that blue door.

He threw a tantrum at the door again.

Lance went to rejoin the team, they were almost done with warm ups.

" Where's Keith?" Shiro asked him, nervous as he held his whistle.

" He wanted to be alone. He went that way." The blue eyed boy pointed in the opposite direction of the locker room.

" That's all he said?!" The assistant coach panicked, though tried to stay composed.

" No, he also said good luck tonight."

The bulky guy ran a hand along his face, shaking his head. He glanced toward the hallway Keith supposedly went from, but then he looked at his team. Teenage boys with unbroken dreams, waiting on him for the next step they should take. He didn't want them to end up like him, with shattered ambitions and having to stand on the side watching other people play.

" Doesn't matter. Every one of us is capable of so much. We're here to win tonight! This is our home! Our field! Let's show them that the Garrison Team is not to be messed with!"

The team cheered for the second time, this time even louder. They loved Shiro and respected him to an unimaginable extent. They take his every word seriously. When he says they can win, they believe they will.

Lance held his arm, standing a little on the side. The student commenter was introducing the teams, it was time to go out there.

" Hey Shiro!"


The assistant coach turned to see Roland, with Natalie on his side.

" If you're missing a player, you know I got skills. I know basketball tryouts aren't for another month, but I can play tonight and show you I deserve to be part of the team when we win." Roland, with his blond hair, blue eyes and unrejectable charm, smirked.

Lance felt sick to the stomach. Natalie locked gazes with him, seeming as deadly and charming as ever, like she was daring him to tell the truth and promising him something he'd very much enjoy, at once.

This was a mistake. I was never going to be the one to score the winning goal, it will be Roland.

He knew he'd fight him for that goal. He could already see the game happen in his head. It was all his fault. Everyone will think Keith bailed on them, they will welcome Roland with open arms.

" I'm sorry, Roland. I'm sure you failed the last tryouts for a reason. The coach knows better. Besides, we have a few bench players, they will be glad to have a chance to play tonight."

" My cousin deserves this, Shiro. Can't you make this little thing happen? For me?" Natalie asked seductively, her hand on his shoulder.


Lance understood her act now. He was glad to see Shiro take a step back and decline the offer once again.

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