Ch. 2 ~The Edge of Tonight~

Start from the beginning

"No, I'm not okay. " She said fiddling with her fingers as she look down. "I'm far from it actually. "

A moment of silence pass through them, making Lauren think the man left as she continued looking down. She sigh. Why would anyone want to listen to her petty problems.

"What happened? " Lauren looks up in surprise and saw the man still standing at the same place.

Lauren could feel her heart flutter again and again she doesn't know why. Just as she was gonna answer the man her eyes widen.

"Oh my..." She stood up as her cheeks flush. "I'm so rude. Please take a seat. "

The man look down but Lauren swears she saw a hint of of smile on the man's lips. Lauren watch slowly as the man approach the bench with his head down. When the man finally sat down a few feet away from Lauren, she finally answer his question in hopes to distract her rapid heartbeat.

"My boyfriend he... ch-cheated on me. " Lauren whisper as her lips wobble.

She heard the man suck in a breath almost as if he was angry. Again, silence enveloped them both but this time Lauren understands and knows she is being unfair to this man. Letting out her problems to someone who probably doesn't care or who has more problems than her.

Just as Lauren was gonna apologize, to her surprise the man spoke again. "How did you find out he cheated? "

Lauren bite her tongue. She doesn't trust him to know the truth about her identity or her boyfriend or...ex-boyfriend now. "I found out. . . through some people I know, "

The man nodded before leaning against the bench. "And do you trust these people you know? "

"I don't need to trust those people. He already said he has someone else. " Lauren said, her mouth feeling bitter when she said someone else.

"I'm guessing your the kind of girlfriend who try so hard to get his attention, who tries to make time for him, who always says the 'I love you', am I right? "

Lauren pause to think about it then nodded ashamedly. "Am I a clingy girlfriend? "

For the first time since meeting the man Lauren saw a real smile. "No, your the perfect girlfriend, "

Just as bright as the sun is how bright red Lauren's pale cheek is. Tilting her head a little, a curtain of hair hid Lauren's flaming cheek.

"T-thank you. " Lauren said still flustered.

The man didn't reply which made Lauren look up to find him staring intently at her. Lauren froze and stare at his eyes almost in a trance. His eyes looks at her with the most softest and kindest look she has ever received.

Before anything else could happened a loud growl cut the moment they have.

"Are you hungry? " Lauren ask smiling amusedly at the man her embarrassment long gone.

"I. . . uh m-maybe. " The man answered looking away.

"Then let's go eat! " Lauren said. She grab the man's hand and dragged him.


Lauren turn around and raise her eyebrows at the man. "Yes what is it? "

The man looks to say something but instead chooses not to.

"Nothing, " The man shook his head, "Lead the way, "

Lauren smile and unknowingly grip the man's hand. "Let's go! "


A few blocks away from the park the green eyed woman found a small cafe. Immediately Y/N ordered some doughnuts and a cup of coffee while the green eyed woman ordered 2 croissants and a cup of hot chocolate. Now, both people wanted to pay and they even argue about it; but in the end the green eyed woman won.

"I invited you so I pay for you. " Y/N recall the green eyed woman saying with a proud smile for winning which Y/N thought was adorable.

For hours they just talk and talk, both of them losing themselves to the other with smiles and laughs. Y/N doesn't even remember the last time he smiled or laugh over someone's story. Heck, he can't even remember the last time he was this happy.

"Hey-I uh have to go the... " A blush made its way to the green eyed woman. "restroom, "

Y/N bite back a smile from the cutest look on the woman's face. "Go, I don't want you to explode here. "

Something happened right then and there that made everything froze for Y/N as if he was treasuring and cherishing the moment. A laugh escape the woman's lips and she tried to desperately to hide it by biting her lip-to which she failed at hiding it-then her cheeks went brighter then a normal red as she stumble over some tables when she was laughing.

"I Uhh. . . should go, " The green eyed woman lamely pointed at the back of the cafe where the restrooms were.

Y/N let out a chuckle as his lips curve into an amuse smile. "Go. "

The green eyed woman nodded, still blushing and smiling as she walk backwards, and just as Y/N was gonna shout to her that she was gonna bump into someone, she turn around in time and dodge another embarrassing moment as she apologize to the young man she was gonna bump into.

Y/N smile at the woman's adorableness. Meeting her and talking to her at the park was rather a shock and nerve racking. He didn't think anybody would care about him but she ask him if he was alright. For years she ask a question that nobody asked him. He thought they would only talk and she would tell him about her problems and when she was satisfied she would leave but to his surprise again she invited him to talk more and fill his stomach with food. Again another surprise for him is he enjoyed talking to the woman. Mostly the conversations he had these days were boring and bland but with her it's like they could talk for days and days and he wouldn't get bored.

But as Y/N knows; good things must come to and end. As Y/N finishes his cup of coffee a ray of sunlight cuts through the window glass and onto his hand. Y/N look up and sigh as he saw the sky turning into bright orange and red indicating sunrise. He grab his phone and press some buttons (yes that is how poor and old that phone is) checking the time.

5:23 am

Sighing loudly Y/N knows he has to leave. No matter how much he wants to continue talking to the woman he has another job to do in less than 3 hours. Y/N look up and still the woman is in the restroom. His leg bounce up and down after a few seconds past; still the woman is in the restroom.

He stood up and went to the cashier that looks bored out of her mind.

"Excuse me, but can I borrow a bullpen? "

The girl that looks to be in her teens grabs a bullpen from under the counter.

"Here you go sir. " The girl smile.

"Thank you. "

Y/N grab a napkin from there table and wrote a small message. He gently place a plate over the tip of the napkin, then return the bullpen to the teen cashier.

Before Y/N left he did something he stopped doing; he look back and hope she would see him again tomorrow.


As Y/N walked home and as Lauren read the napkin letter with a smile, both of them didn't know they saved each other on the edge of the night.

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