Its killing me😫

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Mals POV
" water just broke" I said in pain.
"Umm...ahh...Mal just wait right there. I'm going to call Mum and Evie, Ok? Just stay there" he had a lot of worry in his voice. He hung up the phone and I just sat there holding my stomach. Another contraction came and I kicked my feet in pain. "Ok babies do mummy a favour and calm down" I whispered. Another contraction came and I screamed and cried. I heard the door burst open. It was Evie and Belle. "Mal!" They both yelled and ran over to the bed.
"Just breath Mal...breath" belle said breathing with me. I breathed and it contracted again and I clenched my eyes shut and screamed. "I'm calling Jay and Carlos, they can help get her into the car" Evie said panicking. Belle nodded her head and Evie went off on the phone.
"Where's Ben! I want ben!" I cried.
"Bens coming back ok honey, he'll be back soon, just stay calm"
"How can I stay calm at a time like this!" I yelled in pain.
"Just squeeze this" she gave me a towel and I squeezed at every contraction. Jay and Carlos came in and picked me up and carried me to the car.
"You're doing great Mal" Evie was in the back with me holding my hand. I squeezed it and she winced. "Sorry E" i cried. "It's ok. What ever gets you through" she said laughing. We finally got to the hospital. That drive felt like it went forever! They carried me into our private hospital and they let me through straight away. They gave me a wheelchair and Evie wheeled me in with the others following behind. They pushed me into the room and put me on the bed. The doctor Alex and another lady came in. "Ok lets see what they're doing in there shall we?" They put the wand on my stomach and scanned it. "They're definitely moving down. We need to widen the entrance for them to come out. I'm going to put this in your vagina to widen it" I nodded my head and they asked everyone to leave. They put it up there. They asked belle and Evie back into the room, just to keep them updated. "It needs to widen to 10cm. Right now you're at 2cm. It should be down in a few hours. You can leave the room whenever you want" they nodded there heads and the doctors left the room. "You Ok Mal?" Belle asked and held my hand.
"Just in a lot of PAIN" another contraction came. I held my stomach and then it went away. "You're doing great M" Evie said. I nodded my head and lay back. "When's Ben gonna be here?" I whined. "In an hour or two, he'll be here before you know it" Belle said calmly. Belle left the room and the boys came back in. They sat around me. Every time a contraction came they held my hand. "Are you ready to be a Mum?" Carlos said.
"Umm...ahhhhh" another contraction came. "I don't know, it's just going to be hard. My whole future is ruined. It's just going to be hard"
"Just remember we're here for you if you need us" Evie said and the boys nodded in agreement. I smiled. "Thanks guys, you guys are the best" they hugged me carefully.

1 hour later
Evie, Carlos and Jay have been wheeling me around the hospital. We went to the food court and had some lunch. It was about 2:30 and I was sitting reading my book in the hospital bed and Ben arrived.

Bens POV
I walked in and Mal was reading her book. I ran up and hugged her. "I'm so sorry I knew I never should have gone and..." she cut me off with her finger to my lips. "Its ok, we didn't know this was going to happen...just wait one sec" she must have had a contraction. She was in a lot of pain. She squeezed my hand, hard! "Has it been ok?" I winced.
"Haha sorry, I think I've broken a few hands today. Yeah they put this thing to widen the entrance and I just have to wait for a few hours. It's been like two hours of something"
"Oh honey, you're amazing" i said and kissed her forehead. I bought a chair over to her bed and sat down. "Can you believe in a few hours we'll be parents?" I said holding her hand still.
"I know right" she said tiredly.
"You tired?" She nodded her head and I helped her lay down. "You try and sleep, baby" she sat up and held her stomach. She squeezed my hand and lay back down again. I kissed her cheek and she closed her eyes.

2 hours later
Mals POV
Jesus! I didn't sleep I couldn't. Every few seconds it killed with pain. Alex came into the room. "Let's check where your at" he measured the width of the entrance. "10cm. Ok I'll go and get the midwife and you get ready for the pushing Ok?" I nodded my head nervously. I held Bens hand. Was I ready for this? For everything in my life ahead of me? The midwife came in. I squeezed Bens hand. I looked at him and he gave me the 'you can do this' look and I was ready to push.

I don't know much about the process so don't judge😜

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