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Evie's POV
We jumped out of the limo and covered it in a tarp. I wanted to bring Ben to the isle but I guess he wouldn't be any help since he's with Uma now. "Guys we have a problem" jay started, "we don't exactly know where she is"
"Ok well lets think, where would Uma keep her prisoners? Evie you knew her best out of the three of us, where?" Carlos said.
"I'm not sure maybe her underground hide out we used to play in as kids?"
"Makes sense I guess" jay said. We headed there in a hurry. We have My 18 hours left until...well...I don't exactly know. We went down the 5 flights of stairs and found a door with a window. We looked through the window and saw Mal lying there on the cold, hard, stone floor. "Mal!" I screamed and tears formed in my eyes. I tried opening the door but it had a lock. "Dang it!" Jay yelled. "Mal!" I yelled again, thinking she could hear us. "Looking for this" I knew that voice too well, we turned around on the balls of our feet and saw Harry standing there with a key in his hand. "What did you do to Mal?!" I yelled.
"Oh nothing" he said with a creepy grin.
"What did you do to her Harry?!" Carlos yelled.
"You can go see for yourselves!" He opened the door and pushed us into the room with Mal." He pushed the door back closed and left us. We ran to Mals side and lent down beside her. "Mal! Mal wake up!" We shook her and she wouldn't wake. We saw a thing of water and looted it on her head. She sat up with a start. "Guys" she said wearily. "Mal! Your alive!" We hugged and she cried in my shoulder. "It's okay. We're here now" I stroked her hair and she calmed down. I looked at all the bruises on her face, back and arms. I saw her night dress on the floor and asked Carlos to get it for her. I put it on her and pulled her into a hug again. "What did he do to you? Are you okay?" Carlos said calmly. Mal and I pulled apart.
"He..." she started crying again, poor girl. "He tor...tortured me and r...rap...raped me" she said between sobs. "Oh Mal" I said and pulled her into a hug again. "Well on our watch, he won't do it again, okay?" She nodded and lent on my shoulder. "You must be starving, M, here have this." I handed her an apple. He grabbed it and chowed it down. Poor Mal, pregnant and hasn't eaten in like, 10 hours. "Thank you so much" she said with a mouthful. "Haha that's okay" Jay laughed. She finished the apple and lent on Jays shoulder and fell asleep. "Poor M" I said and Jay lifted her up bridal style and lay her on the bed. "We need to keep her safe" Carlos said worriedly.
"Yeah" I lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Next morning
Mals POV
I woke up and felt extremely sick. I tried to get up but I felt so dizzy and collapsed. "Mal are you ok?" I saw Jay getting up off the ground and help me up. I shook my head no and tears streamed down my face. "Lay back down Mal." He put me on the bed and I leaned on the bed frame holding my head. "You okay M." Evie stood up and came over to my bed, as did Carlos. She felt my head. "You're boiling Mal, lay down." I thought if I opened my mouth I would throw up, so I just nodded my head. Then I felt sick and threw up all over the bed. "Oh M" Evie came over to me and took the already dirty, now dirtier sheets off the bed. I lay on the bed and cried. Evie hugged me and I cried into her shoulder. "How are we going to get out of here?" I asked her.
"We will get out M. We're going to get back to Auradon and everything's going to be fine, okay? Just believe this, stress isn't good for your growing baby"
"Okay" I wiped my tears away and just sat in the bed. I honestly thought we were going to die here. For the rest of the day, Evie made me stay in bed. Gil came at about midday and bought us half a bread roll. "Guys I don't want you to die. Uma and Harry don't know, but I'm bringing you this"
"Gil, thank you so much." Evie said and hugged him through the bars. "Mal your having the most" Carlos
"No,guys, we need equal"
"Your feeding two, you need more" Evie said with an angry tone. She was so protective of me. "Fine" I felt so bad for having more than the others, but I want a healthy baby. I want to get out of here.

A Bal Story (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang