The fight

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Mals POV
I woke up, felt sick and then Gil came with his daily bit of food for us. He's so nice, I never knew he didn't want to be evil. "Why doesn't Gil just come to Auradon?" Jay asked the others as we ate out little bit of food. "I don't know maybe we would ask him when he comes with our lunch later, I mean it's the least we could do" Evie said. We all agreed. I nodded my head worriedly. "M, what's wrong?" Evie asked and put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm just nervous, I want tiger out of here so badly! I want everything to go back to the way it was!" I cried.
"We know, we want to get back to Auradon too, Mal. We can do this, we need to believe" Jay said calmly.
"Thanks jay" I hugged him and we continued eating. We were on the ground and we made a plan. They were all listening to me, while I was plotting the plan. "So what we're going to do is..." it moved in my stomach, "we going to bring swords...uh" it was really annoying me, I couldn't concentrate. 
"You ok M." Evie asked concerned.
"Yeah, I just can't concentrate"
"Is it moving again?" She asked excitedly.
"Yes and its very annoying" I said directing it to my stomach. They put their hands on my stomach and felt the little creature inside me moving away. Their faces said it all, they were mesmerised. "Ok let's get on with the plan! I'll try to focus!" I yelled. "Sorry" I apologised. "I didn't mean to yell. Ok so the plan is we bring the swords, smoke bombs and we'll try to hold them off. We'll get the smoke bombs from the evil stepmothers shop. The smoke bombs will block their sight, we'll make a run for it and push the bridge off so they can't get across (I know it's exactly like descendants 2). And then we'll run to the limo and get back to Auradon"
"Nice plan Mal, as always" Carlos said.
"Thanks, and I know" I smiled.

The fight
Mals POV
Gil came to get us for the fight. "Guys, you can have one secret weapon, Uma doesn't know I'm doing this."
"Ok, thanks Gil. Can we go to Curl up and dye?" Evie asked. I could hardly speak. I was really scared. You never know what they have planned. We made the bombs and then we went on. "Thanks you so much Gil"
"That's ok guys"
We arrived. The place was the place we fought almost 5 months ago, Umas pirate ship. I took a deep, shaky breath. Evie could see I was afraid. She put her arm around me as did jay and Carlos. We all shared a nice friendly hug. This made me feel a little less scared. Gil pushed us into the entrance, a big pipe typed, thing. Uma and her crew looked as we walked in. She eyed us and came right up to my face. "Are you ready for this?" She said evilly. "Of course we are" I smiled. As I said this Ben walked out from behind Uma. "What?" I said quietly. "Ben, Ben look at me" he glanced over at me and looked me in the eyes. "You know me, come on Ben, come back to me" I walked up to him and kissed him straight on the lips. We shared a passionate kiss and then we broke apart. Ben hugged me and looked me in the eyes. "Mal I'm so sorry, she spelled me"
"NO!" Uma yelled. This made me jump. "You will pay for this! Ben pushed me behind him protectively. Jay chucked Ben a sword and we put our swords up and started to fight. "You'll never win Mal!" Uma yelled while were fighting each other. I just ignored her and kept my game up. "How's your little baby going there, holding you back?" This was making me angry, but fight harder. Evie was fighting this girl named Mandy, Jay was fighting Harry, Carlos was 'fighting' Gil and Ben was fighting a dude named Darry. I was really in the game until... "STOP!" I looked at Gil who had just yelled this. "I don't want to fight, why can't we just forget about this and be friend?"
"No Gil what the hell, we had a plan"
"Well if you want to fight I'm going on the other team"
He walked over to join us. We all pat his back and then everyone else from the other team walked over to us. "Same" they all said.
"Thanks guys" Carlos said. Well, everyone but Harry and Uma came. "Give up Uma!" I yelled.
"Never!" She came and grabbed my arm. She threw me at Harry and he held the sword at my neck. They all stared at me as I cried as his grip tightened on my waist. "How bout you give up?"
"Or what?" Jay said.
"We'll push her off the plank" Uma said evilly. They looked at each other in horror.
"Don't give up guys" I said to them as he held me over the sea.
"We won't give up" I looked up and saw Gil on the rope above me. I smiled at him and he jumped down off the rope. He took me to of Harry's grip and pushed Harry into the sea. "Give up Uma!" I yelled as we approached her. "Fine, fine, I'll give up." She walked off and jumped into the sea. "She can't get through the barrier" Ben said. And hugged me. We walked across the bridge and pushed it off so they couldn't get across again. We walked into the limo and started our drive home.

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