Telling the kingdom

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3 weeks later
Mals POV
I woke up, threw up and went to get food. I was starving! "Mal?"
"You ok?"
"Yeah. Just really hungry"
"As usual" Ben said sarcastically. I hit his chest playfully and ate an apple. "Are you trying to grow a kid?"
"Haha. No, I'm sorry" he hugged me and looked at my growing stomach. I was really starting to show now being 4 months and all. "We need to tell the kingdom soon" I looked at him nervously. "Umm...yeah"
"When do you want to?"
"Ahh...whenever you want"
"Well we have a press meeting today do you want to tell them then?"
"Ok sure"

Press meeting
Bens POV
I could see Mal was nervous to I tried to comfort her. "Don't be nervous babe, everything's going to work out"
"Yeah I know"
We got into the meeting room and sat down. The first question came at us
"What can you tell us about the other VKs coming to Auradon in a couple of weeks?"
"Well there's Uma, daughter of Ursula, Gil, son of Gaston and Harry, son of Hook." I said with confidence, even though I was terrified they'd hurt Mal, but then the next question came.
"Were you friends with them back on the Isle Mal?"
"Umm...well...Uma and I used to be friends but we aren't anymore" Mal said nervously.
"Do you have any other news for the kingdom to hear?"
"Umm...well...ahh" Mal started but I took over and said "Mal and I going to have a child"
Everybody looked at us with shock. "Wow...that's great" one of the questioners said. I could tell he was faking. This was getting on my nerves. I stood up and said "Before you say anything, Mal and I are ready to have a child whether anyone likes it or not. So we don't care if we get hate saying, oh we're to young, or we still have school. We accept this and we are as ready as anything." Mal looked at me and smiled and I helped her stand up and we went out of the room. "Ben I can tell your angry but it's ok. Not everyone was going to accept this and we both knew this. If we are happy that's all that we need" Mal was right. I loved her for that. "I love you Mal" I said and we kissed and pulled away and she said "I love you too Ben" With that, we went back to my office and I worked.

Mals POV
We were in Bens office and I looked at him while he worked. He really is fit to be a king. He works so hard. Just when I thought this Best stormed into the room and yelled. "She's pregnant!" Ben stood up and said calmly "yeah she is, do you have a problem?"
"Yes actually. I do! Your too young I mean, 17 Ben are you serious!" Belle tried to calm beast down but she couldn't.
"Yes! We are both ready and if your not then, you can go!" Beast looked at him in shock. "Ok then, if that's what you want we won't talk again!" Ben looked shocked. With this, Beast walked out of the room. Ben walked out to and ran to his room. I was starting to tear up. I didn't want Ben and Beast to split up. Belle could see I was sad. She walked over to me and said "it's hon, I'm happy that you and Ben are having a baby. I'm sorry that Beast doesn't approve though"
"It's all my fault. If I hadn't have got pregnant, none of this would happen."
"No Mal, it's not your fault. Some people have different opinions. Beast believes that it's too young and not ok to get pregnant young when your king but others think it's great"
"Thanks Belle for being a great mother in law."
"No problem dear and congrats" she said pointing at my stomach.
"Do you want a boy or girl?"
"I'm honestly not sure, I'd be happy with either, I guess"
"That's great dear." After that we said bye and she headed off. I ran to Ben and my room and found Ben laying on the bed staring at the ceiling "Honey are you ok?" I said calmly.
"Mal I'm fine" he snapped. This made me tear up and start to cry. He came over and hugged me. "Sorry babe. I should have snapped like that"
"It's ok. Your not fine Ben. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really" he said.
"That's ok" He picked me up bridal style and plonked me onto the bed.
"Hey" I laughed. He tickled my sides and I laughed and begged for him to stop but he wouldn't. I finally managed to kick him off and lay there out of breath. "That was torture! I'm pregnant you amateur!"
"Just thought I'd have a bit of fun" I laughed and lay next to me. "I love you Ben" I said and lay my head on his chest. "I love you too Mal." He wrapped his arms around me and we lay there and both fell asleep.

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