Chapter 12

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Mr Hodo stood out the front, twirling his long moustache professionally while frowning at the late student. He gave a small nod to Evena and then called out the roll. Evena and Jay sat together. "Danny, Sarfraz, Alice, Ilia and Alex?" he called with his loud booming voice. "Here," Danny called. "Here!" Sarfraz shouted from the back of the room. "Alive and well!" Alice commented, she was the popular girl and a few girls around her giggled as Mr Hodo cleared his throat. "Here sir!" Ilia said, without looking up from her drawing pad. "Unwillingly present," Alex rolled his eyes. The roll went on until Mr Hodo called out Evena's name.

"Judice, Mohammad, Aleesha, Mo and Evena?" Mr Hodo called, his pen ready. "Here sir! Mohammad is still at homeroom talking to the teacher about something!" Judice informed. "Here!" Aleesha called. Evena closed her eyes. "HERE!!" Mo screamed. "Hush!" Mr Hodo said. "Uh, here," Evena said quietly and the whole class started laughing. "What's so funny?" Mr Hodo demanded but it was no use. "Did you meet any fairies last night? Haha, you probably became one too!" the class said. Evena looked down, blinking away her tears. "They are real!" she whispered and Jay wiped away her tears and touched her shoulder. Evena loved the feel of his touch. It sent thousands of electric shocks down her shoulder, warming up her insides and making her feel grateful to have him.

"I know they are," Jay nodded, with truth in his eyes. He hadn't met them though, Evena thought. "Just haven't met or seen them, but I believe and trust you Eve," he confirmed. Eve, the nicknamed she loved so much. "Thanks," Evena whispered when the class had finally shut up and Mr Hodo cleared his throat.

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