Chapter 9

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The four-wheeled drive Ford Escape took them in to the city. It was a 70minutes drive to Evena's school. The bumpy ground below them rocked the car side to side. Evena started out the window absently and tried to think of all the good things that were going to happen tonight. At least I have the pixies, not many people find themselves in a friendship with actual pixies, Evena thought.

The weak rays of sunlights shone over the city as the road became smooth. The usual sounds of the city started to fill in to the car. Evena's mum just stared straight ahead. The air was getting warmer in the car so Evena quietly rolled down the windows and all the noises piled in. The air whooshed in and chatter, horns, walking and the sounds of an awake city piled in. Her mother suddenly jammed her foot on the brakes with a loud screech and the cars behind almost hit them.

She whipped her head to Evena with a harsh scowl across her face and glared intensively. Evena's hands started to get clammy and her heart was in her throat. What had she done. And then Evena noticed the open window and mentally face-palmed herself. Evena quickly closed the window and stared ahead, sweat trickling down the left side of her face.

"Don't open the window! You know how I feel you selfish idiot! Pathetic chid!" her mum screamed and then glared, raising her hand Evena flinched and the tears were ready. But numerous horns from the other cars got their attention and her mum returned to her calm strict face. Evena let out a breath. But the words her mum had said hurt. Because they were from her mum. Well, so-called mum.

The car started once more and after a couple of more turns, they were on the Ariella Bridge. There was serious traffic jam. Evena's mum banged her hang against the horn and other cars repeatedly did the same. Evena didn't mind being late, it didn't matter anyways. The cars moved forward like hesitant mice. Evena wondered what Cherry might be doing. She was a princess. And everyone loved princesses.

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