The bright lights of the hospital-like room hit Sniper instantly and he squinted. Medic was sat at his desk, rubbing his temples, stressed out. There was a pile of paperwork spread across his desk. Important looking files.

Sniper instantly felt bad for disturbing him. "Hey, Medic," Sniper said. He could feel the anxiety bubbling up in his chest.

Medic glanced up at him. "Oh, Sniper, what is it? Is everyone back?" He asked, yawning.

Sniper shook his head, "Scout was getting, er... hard to handle. So we came home, and now he isn't feeling well and I was wondering if you had anything," Sniper explained.

Medic nodded. "Ja, ja, I should have just the thing," He said, getting up. Medic walked over to a supply cabinet and rummaging through it. "Out of hand, was he?"

"Heh, yeah..." Sniper agreed.

Medic kept searching, "I just had it.... ah! There it is," He mumbled, grabbing a pill bottle. He walked over and handed it to Sniper. "Have him take two with water," He instructed.

Sniper nodded, "Thank you," He said.

"Of course," Medic said. He paused, "Did anyone else say anything about coming home?"

Sniper stopped in front of the door, "Uh, no, not that I know of. Although I didn't really talk to anyone," Sniper said.

Medic raised an eyebrow, "Then why did you go?"

Sniper shurgged, "I dunno, I figured Scout would want me too, but.." He trailed off

"But?" Medic pried further.

Sniper sighed, "But he ditched me five minutes in and only came back when he was wasted." Sniper said, crossing his arms. He didn't know where that came from, he wasn't mad. Okay, maybe a little upset, but, who wouldn't be?

Medic nodded, "Scout tends to do that. He means well," He said sympathetically.

Sniper nodded, "Yeah, I know," He replied.

"Alright, well I was just wondering. I should get back to my work, though. Have a nice night," Medic said, walking back to his desk.

Sniper nodded and exited the room. Walking back to Scout's room, he replayed the conversation in his head and hoped he hadn't said anything stupid. Once back in the room, Sniper noticed Scout was turned over, asleep. He sighed, setting the medicine on his desk.

On the desk, Scout's drawing journal lay open to an unfinished drawing. Sniper knew he shouldn't, but he didn't have the willpower to look away.

It wasn't completed, but Sniper could tell it was a drawing of him and Scout. Drawing-Scout was leaning up to him to place a kiss on Drawing-Sniper's cheek. Drawing-Sniper had his hat tugged down and was blushing, while Drawing-Scout looked proud of himself.

Sniper smiled to himself, flushing slightly. It was a cute drawing. It made his heart do a jumpy thing. Sniper turned away, feelings slightly guilty since Scout probably didn't want him to see that. He walked over to the bed to see that Scout was spread out over the entire bed. He rolled his eyes, and took the couch over as him bed for the night.


Sniper woke up at the crack of dawn. He glanced at Scout, who was still asleep. Sniper sat up, looking out the window.

He had nothing to do. He could go get a book to read, but it was still early and he didn't want to draw attention to himself. He also didn't really want to leave. Just incase Scout woke up.

Sniper looked over at Scout. Although his limbs were awkwardly thrown about, he looked somewhat peaceful. His eyes were fluttered shut, his mouth slightly open. He snored lightly, but not in a loud obnoxious way, in a quiet, almost soothing way. It made Sniper chuckle. Only in his sleep was Scout calm and peaceful.

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