Chapter 11 | It's Felt Like Years

Start from the beginning

After that little incident, I dressed out and walked to practice and started my warm up laps. When I was done with my warm up laps, one of the coaches pulled me over to the side.

"Sorry to disrupt but have you seen your good friends.."

"Not good friends anymore." I muttered under my breath. Luckily the coach didn't notice and continued talking.

"Jeremiah and Samantha lately, they aren't at practice." The coach looked at me in the eyes and furrowed her brows.

I debated on whether I should tell her or not. "I saw them around, they didn't ride the bus home or anything like that but I haven't seen them." I wasn't completely lying, I told her the half truth. They are still kinda my friends even though they don't ever talk to me anymore. So I have to at least semi cover them. At least I feel I do. The coach walked away with an irritated look on her face. After that encounter I joined the rest of the team and we started stretching.


Practice was over and I felt soar all over. I could feel the dried up sweat all over my body and my hair was a mess. Today was way to hot to be running, isn't it supposed to be fall? Anyways, all I wanted to do was go home and take a nap. Crap, I need to call my mom to pick me up. I quickly dialed her number and put my cell up to my ear. After the phone rang for a minute, I finally got an answer.

"Hey sweet pea, what's up?" I could tell my mom was stressed out and tired.

"Ahh, I need a ride home." I let out a long, drawn out sigh.

"Hun, I can't bring you home, I'm still at work and they won't let me out to pick you up. What happened to Jeremiah's Mom giving you a ride home?"

"Ohhhh Yeaaaah, love you Mom, I'll see you tonight." I leaned back against the school wall and groaned at the thought of getting a ride from his mom.

"Ok sweetheart, I'll see you soon." I heard a beep and she was gone.

I slowly pulled up Jeremiah's number and called. The phone went straight to voicemail. I called a few extra times before giving up. I guess I'm going to have to walk home. My house is 35 minutes away if you walk. Better start before it gets dark.

As I was walking home along the sidewalks (thank God for those), I started to pass by a guy around my age that I've seen during lunch. Before I could look up, I bumped into him accidentally, causing his stuff to fall to the ground. I slowly went down to pick up his stuff and when I looked back up, his rich grey eyes and bleach blonde hair looked up at me. I couldn't help but smile at the look he had on his face. He looked stunned but confused at the same time.

"Emm, hey. Don't we go to the same high school?" He coughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, yeah. We are in German class together. Umm I'm Ada."

"So I've heard, I'm Braxton, Braxton Sammuel." The crease if his mouth cracks a smile and he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Ye- Yeah, I'm so sorry, and aren't you on the football team?" I chuckled nervously once I realized who this was. Braxton is your typical charmer football player. He is a junior and many girls swoon over him and his toned but ripped body. He's cute but I dunno if I can trust him.

"Yeah and I'm pretty sure that you're beautiful." Wooow, smooth, I can't believe that this football player, who is a junior, is hitting on me. I couldn't help but blush, causing me to look down.

"So what are you doing walking alone on the side of the road, it's pretty dangerous for a teenage girl to be walking alone nowadays." A smirk wiped across his face.

"Seriously, in the suburbs, I don't think I'm in danger." Braxton quickly grabbed my shoulders in a slightly aggressive way and pushed me up against the tree.

"What would you do if someone random just did what I did to you, what would happen?" His face showed concern and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I-I don't kn-know what I woul- would do." I gulped and looked him in the eye.

"You see how easy it is for this to happen, luckily I just did this to show you what could happen." He released his tight grip from my shoulders and I sighed in relief, all my tense muscles loosening. "Please, allow me to walk you home. " Braxton reached out his hand to me and I grabbed it quickly, lacing our fingers together. We began walking to my home.

As I walked past Jeremiah's house, I looked at his window to see him cuddling with Samantha on the bench in front of it.

"What you looking at sweet cakes?"

"Don't call me that." I muttered irritatingly, rolling my eyes and tightening my grip on his hand.

"What'd you say sweet cakes?" He glanced in my direction with a goofy smile.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT." I shouted at him and released my hands' grip on his hand. Calm down Ada.

"You're so cute when your angry." He then said cockily. I walked away from him and to my doorstep.

"Not even a kiss on the cheek?" Braxton said, his lips pouting.

"In your dreams lover boy. " I walked into my house and slammed the door shut on his face. That should shut him up. I went up to my bedroom and started on homework since Cam would be home in a couple hours because he is at a friends house and I can't get any work done with him around. I have some chem homework on some formulas, some questions for calculus, and I have to do some research to start my German project. We haven't been given partners yet.

I eventually finished my homework which was followed by dinner. Afterwards I iced my knee because it had been hurting and took a nice hot shower afterwards. After that I chilled and went to bed around 10.

So guys, that is the end of part 12. I hope you liked it!!! What do you think of this new Braxton character? Do you ship it? Or is it still Ada+Jeremiah all the way? Would the ship name Adamiah or Jeremada? That's enough questions for now. Sorry if this was a little boring it's just kinda a filler type of part. Not every chapter can be excitement filled, unless you considered this exciting. I'll stop rambling now. Btw I haven't been uploading that much because I've been busy with the musical I'm in which is in a little less than two weeks. Ergh I'm so nervous!!! I'll see you guys soon(hopefully)!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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