"If you keep killing your men, you're going to lose a lot of your search team."

"Shut the fûck up Edward. I'm just done with bull shit."

"And you kill someone who just tells you the truth." He cocked his head to the side.

"I can do the same with you too. Don't fûckin test me right now." I said glaring at him.

"I'm not testing you. I'm telling you what's going to happen if you keep fûckin kill peopl-"

"Well what do you expect me to do!? Fûckin just listen to their fûckin dumb ass mouth telling me we don't have him. Of fûckin course you guys don't have him! I can fûckin see that! I would've already beating him and skinning him alive!-"

"I know that. You keep saying tha-"

"Maybe I keep saying that because I want that to be stuck in your fûckin brain for you to get the fûckin stuff to make it happen!"

"We already have those things, but not sure where you want to do since you fûckin want to set him on fûckin fire." He said as he looked at me and then raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's why I'm fûckin saying it! You go fûckin look for a place where I can fûckin burn down and not give a damn about it when it does happen." I plopped myself on the chair and continued to glare at him while I took off my hat.

"We can always use a old warehouse , or we can go to like a private area of the city and do it there. Fûckin make the city think it's a fûckin ceremony for weird ass people."

"Does it look like I want people to look at him when Im done skinning him?!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds like it."

"You're absolutely right." I said glaring at him. I stood back up and started to walk around the desk and walk towards the door.

"If those men can't fûckin him in fûckin twelve hours. I'm killing each and everyone of them. Send that message to them for me." I said as I turned my back towards him and opened the door and walked out slamming the door close after me.


I walked into main floor and I had a serious face as I walked past the men and women in here. I pushed a girl away from me as I was walking since she came up towards me trying to grab my belt loop.

Fûckin horny ass.

I walked out of the main floor and then I went to go to the "head quarters" since that's what everyone calls it, and I walked in and I see my women working and I see my men sitting down or drinking or talking to the women in here. I stopped at the door and scanned the room.

"Where the fûck are you?" I whispered to myself. I walked in and looked around the room but I still didn't see her.

"Boss." Some said as I walked past them but I ignored them. I walked towards her and pulled her arm causing the drink to drop off the tray that she was holding.

"Vincenzo! What the hell!" She whined.

"Have you seen Mai?" I said as I looked at her.

Her eyebrows furrowed together, "who?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Erika, have you seen Ever or do you know where she is at?"

"No, no I haven't." I let go of her arm and walked out of the room.

The fûck are you?

I walked down the hall and went to each room and I finally found her.

I open the door and I clenched my jaw.

You little shit.

Welcome to your grave.


I'm sorry that this is late and short but I just don't feel good at all. I don't know why I've been sick for this long. I've taken so many medicines but no. I haven't got better at all. *sighs*

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon.


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