"My name is sofi and I've been to every single one of your games! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you!" Sofi gleefully said surprising camila.

Did lauren get reactions like this a lot? She didn't seem to be all that surprised by it.

"Haha, your a basketball fan sofi?" Lauren asked the obvious question to which sofi shook is head vigorously to.

"Who is at the door?" A voice came from the kitchen.

Camila didn't have to look to know who it was. "This is the girl I'm tutoring Dad."

"Dad! Can you believe lauren jauregui is in our house?!" Sofi asked her dad her excitement not dying down as she grabbed lauren's arm and pulled her into the kitchen.

Camila sighed as she followed the two girls.

"Lauren jauregui, wow. When karla said she had to tutor somebody I must say I didn't even begin to imagine it would be you." Alejandro said in a surprised tone as lauren, sofi, and camila entered the kitchen.

Lauren chuckled and rubbed the back of her head. "Well yeah. Camila has been extremely helpful these last few days."

"Mija, why didn't you tell me you've been tutoring lauren?" Alejandro asked his daughter, she should have known he would have loved to meet her.

The brown eyed girl shrugged. "I didn't think it was that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal?! We pretty much have a future superstar in our house!" Sofi informed her sister before a thought came to her mind and she quickly ran out the room.

Camila couldn't believe the reaction her family was giving. Sofi never showed interest in austin and her dad seemed to like lauren as well. She rolled her eyes they probably just liked her because they knew she was good at their favorite sport.

"Don't be shy lauren! How about before you and camila get started we all have a talk! I'd love to get to know you better." Alejandro offered as he pulled a seat out at the kitchen table.

Lauren seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before deciding to just go along with it as she saw camila take a seat as well.

Before anybody could say anything sofi came running back in the room holding a basketball.

"Can you sign this for me?!" She questioned as she held the ball out for lauren. Camila watched the scene with interest, she really didn't see lauren as a future superstar, but clearly others did and her father and sister probably weren't the only ones who did either.

Lauren smiled at the girl as she grabbed the basketball. "Do you have a marker?" She questioned causing sofi's eyes to widen as she quickly took off out of the room again without speaking.

"That dork..." camila muttered, but couldn't help but laugh at how starstruck her little sister was acting.

"So lauren...How long have you known my daughter?" Alejandro suddenly asked causing all eyes to go back to him.

Lauren a bit caught off guard by the question took a few seconds to answer. "Well truthfully I just met her probably 6 days ago, but if it means anything I feel like I've known her for a lot longer." She answered causing alejandro to give her a knowing smirk.

"Ooh! So you have a crush on my daughter!" he teased as he leaned over the table awkwardly elbowing lauren.

Camila couldn't believe her ears at what her father have said

Lauren just shrugged the comment off with a laugh. "Haha, don't joke around..Umm what should I call you?" Lauren asked

"Alejandro is fine, but Mr. Cabello works as well whichever you prefer." He answered with a smile.

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