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Alternate ending to Visions and Voices

"You belong to us boy" a spirit of the Night Sisters said.

"Now you will pay the price!"

They all sped towards him.

"Uh, I'm gonna have to owe you one" Ezra told the ghosts, slamming the Darksaber and his lightsaber on the alter.

The spirits screamed as they disappeared. Unfortunately, one had successfully taken over Ezra before it was defeated. Ezra dropped his blades and clutched his head as the Night Sister took him over.

"Kanan? Are you alright?" Sabine called running over to the Jedi.

"Sabine? What happened?" Kanan asked.

"We were taken over by spirits I think. Where's Ezra?"

"No idea. He told me to go."

"Your friend is no more."

Sabine and Kanan looked round to see Ezra standing there head bowed.

"Ezra!" Sabine exclaimed about to run to her friend but Kanan grabbed her wrist.

"Wait. Something's up" he muttered to her.

Ezra's eyes opened and Sabine felt her heart drop to see green smoke wafting from the sockets.

"Now you will join my Sisters in death!" Ezra snarled grabbing his lightsaber and the Darksaber.

He ran at Sabine and Kanan who instantly grabbed their weapons. Sabine fired but Ezra deflected every shot. Kanan connected blades with his Padawan before Ezra could decapitate Sabine.

"Ezra! It's me! Kanan! Snap out of it!" Kanan yelled but Ezra didn't listen. 

He continued to swing the lightsabers at Kanan who could only just keep up with him. Using the Force, Kanan threw his apprentice back and looked at Sabine.

"Any suggestions?" He asked.

"Yes. That spirit is in Ezra's body, and we know all his weaknesses" Sabine said.


"When I say so, use the Force to grab the lightsabers."

"Do you even have a plan? Or are we winging it?"

"Do you think I would suggest this if I hadn't thought it out?"

"Okay fine. What happens after I get the blades?"

"Leave that to me."

Ezra had ran at his friends again, eyes glowing green.

"Now!" Sabine yelled when the boy was within a few meters.

Kanan concentrated before using the Force to yank the lightsabers from Ezra's grip. Almost instantly, Sabine tackled Ezra to the ground, pinned him and began to tickle him ruthlessly.

"Argh! Hehehey! Gehehet ohohohoff! Stohohohop!" Ezra's real voice was slipping in and out like a badly tuned radio.

"Oh so this was your thought out plan?" Kanan asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yep. Tickle the spirit out of him" Sabine replied.

"Hold his arms up will you? I think attacking his weak spot will do it."

"Yes ma'am."

Kanan grabbed Ezra's wrists and held them above his head. Sabine didn't hesitate at all. Her fingers dove into Ezra's sweet spot and wiggled around the area mercilessly. The teen gave a yelp of giggles before losing it.


After Ezra said the Mandalorin's name, he choked and the ghost flew out from him. Almost instantly​, it screamed in agony before disappearing.

"Sahahabine! The gohohohohosts gohohohoone!" Ezra yelled.

"Yohohoh cahahan stohohop nohohow!"

"Nah. I don't think I'm entirely convinced you're back to normal" the Mandalorin grinned, continuing to tickle the boy

Ezra giggled uncontrollably and squirmed in the space he had. He'd do just about anything to clamp down on his armpits to stop the unbearable tickly sensations buzzing around the area.
Ezra was beginning to lack air so Sabine quit the torture.

"Thanks for getting rid of the ghost" Ezra panted.

"How'd you even know that would work?" Kanan asked.

"Because Ezra is extremely ticklish" Sabine grinned making the boy roll his eyes.

"Whatever. But I guess I owe you one."

A Ticklish Padawan Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora