Togruta tickles

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Suggested by HarrryPotterRulz. Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper had just got back from their encounter with the two new Inquisitors.  

"Kanan" Ezra said and the Jedi looked over.
"They knew about Ahsoka."
"I'll tell her" Kanan replied looking down.
Ezra nodded and left.
As he went down the hall, he thought about how close to death he and his friends were.
He shuddered as he remembered what the Seventh sister said:
"As pretty as you are, I only need you alive. That doesn't mean in one piece."
He could've died today.
The Inquisitor could have ran him through with her blade.
But she didn't.
He'd survived.
"Ezra? Are you alright?"
A voice brought him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Ahsoka with a concerned expression.
"Hey Ahsoka" he greeted.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Fine, why?"
"You seem distant. Rex told me about the new Inquisitors."
"They know about you" Ezra told her.
"So I've been told" Ahsoka replied.
"Are you worried?"
Ahsoka thought for a second.
"Not entirely​. I've dealt with Siths in my time Ez. And believe me, two Inquisitors are not to tricky for me."
"Wish I had your courage" Ezra sighed.
"What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked leading him to a empty room, they sat down on a bench.
"When I was on that space station, the Seventh sister interrogated me. She used the Force to hurt me, and spoke about the people out to kill me and Kanan. I hid my fear from her, but I was terrified."
"Ezra" Ahsoka said softly, grasping is shoulder.
"You didn't tell her anything did you? You didn't break. You held your own and got out of the danger."
"With Zeb and Sabine's help" Ezra corrected​ her.
"Without them, I would have been dead."
Ahsoka watched as Ezra looked at the ground, clutching his arms.
"Kid, believe me. When I became a Padawan, I was kind of scared of how I would turn out. And who my Master would be. When I heard it was Master Skywalker, I almost flipped. Not with joy, but with nerves. I was afraid of how he would treat me. Once I got to know him, I found he was just a kind man inside a tough shell."
Ezra looked up at Ahsoka with a smile.
"That's pretty much what Kanan is" he said.
Ahsoka laughed.
Ezra's smile faded after a while.
Ahsoka preferred it when he was happy. She liked his cheerful mood.
When he was like this. Down and unhappy, it felt wrong.
She knew there was more then one way to make Ezra smile.
But the best option right now was to tickle him.
She sat closer to him and put her arms around him.
At first, Ezra thought it was a hug and smiled softly.
But his face soon turned to pure horror then cracked in to a grin as he felt fingers over his torso.
"Ahsoka" he began, trying to get out of her hold, but it was too late. Ahsoka was like a spider, grabbing Ezra and pulling him onto her lap.
She realesed all tickle hell on him.
She tickled every spot she could reach.
Torso, legs, back and neck.
Ezra was a live wire. Squirming and giggling uncontrollably in the Togruta's lap.
"Ahsohohoka!" He tried to say but as soon as the Togruta's fingers got to his armpits he couldn't say anything but laugh his head off.
To Ahsoka's delight, but Ezra's misfortune, the walls were soundproof.

Kanan walked round the Commander ship trying to find his Padawan who hadn't been seen for a while.
Sabine said she'd seen him go off with Ahsoka.
Kanan looked everywhere before deciding to use the Force to call him.
It tired him, but it was nescessary now.
Connecting with his Padawan, he was surprised to sense Ezra was happy and laughing.
"Ezra?" He asked.
"Kanan? Help me! Ahsoka's tickling me to death!"
Kanan grinned in amusement before continuing to talk with Ezra.
"Where are you?"
"In a room in the fifth corridor."
"Be right there."
Kanan broke out from the connection and walked to where his friends were. Unable to keep the smile off his face as he remembered​ how relieved and panicked Ezra sounded when he spoke to him.

Ahsoka now had Ezra on the floor. She was on to of him and skimming her fingers all over his torso. Ezra was laughing hard and trying to get her away.
Ezra and Ahsoka looked up when they hear the door hiss.
Kanan leant against the frame with an amused smile on his face.
"Hello Kanan" Ahsoka greeted.
"Hey Soka. What are you trying to do? Murder Ezra?"
"Nope! Getting him out of his depression."
Ezra looked at Kanan with pleading eyes.
Kanan chuckled to himself before closing the door behind him and coming forward.
As soon as he was close enough he pounced at Ahsoka. She sensed his plan and moved to the side quickly.
As soon as he hit the floor Ahsoka jumped off Ezra and held Kanan down.
"His feet Ezra! Get his feet!" Ahsoka laughed.
Ezra immediately sprang and put his Masters ankles in a headlock after pulling off his boots.
"Ezra, do it, and I'll ground you" Kanan said worriedly.
"It'll be worth it!" Ezra sang before attacking the man's feet.
Kanan burst into hysterical laughter and struggled desperately.
"A wee bit ticklish aren't we Kanan?" Ahsoka teased.
"Shudup!!!" Kanan told her, tears streamed down his face.
Ezra and Ahsoka grinned at one another.
"So much for the stubborn Master I thought you were!" Ezra laughed.
"Ezra!" Kanan hollered snickering.
"I'm gonna kill you when I get out of this!"
"Uh huh, sure you will" Ezra replied sarcastically.
Kanan was struggling to keep his dignity as the tickle torture continued.
His thrashing hadn't stopped as he fought to get out of the position he was in.
But no avail.
Ezra finally gave mercy and stood up.
So did Ahsoka.
The two grinned at one another and left Kanan panting on the floor.
"You two are so dead to me" he said.
Ezra smirked.
"Isn't everyone?"
Kanan glared at Ezra before sitting up.
"I'm gonna get you back."
"Now I'm terrified. See you later Kanan" Ahsoka smiled.
The troublesome two left with grins on there faces.

Ideas wanted!
Should you do Kanan's revenge?
Stay awesome my friends!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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