Yavin's beast

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"It was huge. It's able to spit massive globs of orange goo that moulds into unbreakable rock. I was almost captured in it!"
Sabine was telling the crew about a creature she encounted on patrol of Yavin.
"It freezes after it cools down and hardens. Once you're trapped, you can't get free. There were a lot of bones around with the stuff still on them. Whatevers out there is catching victims in its goo and eating them."
"This could be a massive problem from us. Ezra, Kanan, Kallus. I want you to go out there, hunt it down and either drive it away from Yavin, or kill it" Hera told the three rebels.
They all nodded, got​ their weapons and set off.
"So. What do you think this thing looks like?" Ezra asked his two friends.
"Could look like anything Ez. All I know is that we need to get rid of it before it eats us" Kanan replied
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large ball of orangey yellow glob shot from the trees and hit Ezra.
It cocooned him from shoulders to ankles.
He collapsed to the ground, unable to move.
"Guys! Look out!" He yelled as four more came from the trees.
Kallus and Kanan jumped​ out of the way.
"Time to go" Kanan said.
Together, the two boys grabbed Ezra and ran from the forest.
They stopped at the edge of the base and put Ezra down.
"What...Was that?" Kallus panted.
"Clearly the creature Sabine told us about" Kanan replied.
"Can you guys get me out of here now? Please?" Ezra asked.
"We gotta figure out how first" Kanan replied.
Kallus looked down at Ezra's boots.
Apart from his neck and head, they were the only part of him not concealed by the orange rock.
"You know Ezra" he said, a smirk growing on his face.
"The crew's told me a lot of stories about your tickle torture. I've tested it myself, however. There's one place I haven't."
Ezra saw his eyes go to his boots and full scale fear and panic took over him.
Being stuck in the rock, he wouldn't be able to do anything to stop the rebel. 
"Right now?" He asked.
"You want to see how ticklish my feet are right now?"
"Well, it's not like you can stop him" Kanan smiled.
"You can" Ezra protested.
"Who said I was going to?" Kanan asked.
Ezra wished he could at least slap Kanan.
But his arms were frozen to his sides.
Kallus pulled off Ezra's boots, making the boy even more nervous.
He was completely​ helpless.
Kallus got a good look at the teens pale feet that were so vulnerable to him.
With a grin at Ezra, he began the process.
It wasn't long at all before Ezra was shedding tears of laughter.
Kallus would switch from fast tickling, to unbearable buzzing sensations all over his feet.
Ezra was a giggling mess.
Kanan just sat listening to his Padawan's uncontrollable​ laughter with amusement.
He knew he could interfere but he wasn't going to.
Kallus wasn't planning on stopping soon.
He enjoyed listening to the boy's laugh.
You didn't hear much laughter often round Yavin from anyone.
"Kahahahalus!" He yelled thrashing his head back and forth.
"Yes?" Kallus said not stopping.
"Gihihihive it uhuhup!" Ezra pleaded squeling with laughter.
Kallus and Kanan chuckled at the boy's words.
"Why should I stop?" Kallus asked.
"Because I cahahahant tahahahake iiiiiit!" Ezra cried.
With a chuckle, Kallus relented. 
Ezra gasped for air.
"You're number one on my kill list at the moment Kallus" he panted.
"You know. Why you were laughing crazily Ezra, I remember studying the creature we're hunting in the Jedi Archives. I can't quite remember what they're called, but I do know how to break the rock."
As Kanan said this, he pulled out his lightsaber.
"The rock is very sensitive to Kyber crystals."
"Woah woah woah! Kanan wait" Ezra yelped as the man brought the blade closer.
It was an inch away from the rock when it suddenly exploded.
Ezra sat up and quickly pulled on his boots.
"Told you" Kanan smiled putting the blade back on his belt.
"C'mon. We'd best find something to capture the creature with" Kallus said.
The two Jedi nodded and followed Kallus back to the base.

So Kanan, Ezra and Kallus did manage to get the creature off Yavin.
I just couldn't be bothered writing it. Sorry.
Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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