Come back to me

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Suggested to me by my amazing friend HarrryPotterRulz. Thanks for the great idea!

It had been a few days since Ezra and Kanan had gotten back from Malacore.
It was quiet inside the Ghost. Hera was fixing up the Ghost's hyperdrive with Chopper.
Kanan was in his room meditating.
Zeb was sitting at the Dejark table, adjusting his bow rifle.
Sabine was in her room, doing the finishing touches to her newest painting.
And Ezra had locked himself in his cabin. Everyone had tried talking to him, but he simply refused to let them in. He was torn apart from what happened to his friends.
Sabine put down her paints and looked at her picture carefully.
She'd carefully done a flying owl bat against the burning sun of Atallon.
(I seriously​ don't know the name of this creature. It looks like this:

If anyone could tell me the name of it. I'd be grateful.)

Sabine sighed, and ran a hand through her pink and white hair. She'd done it recently.
As she looked round her room, she wondered.
What would be the fate for the rest of the crew?
Kanan had been blinded and nearly killed.
Ezra was mentally broken​.
And Ahsoka was gone.
What would happen to her and everyone else?
Sabine thought for a while before deciding to try to talk to Ezra. She knew it would be hopeless. The kid just wouldn't talk to anyone anymore.
It was like he had lost the ability to respond and interact.
Leaving her cabin, she went down the hall.

She stopped in​ front of the door and knocked twice on the metal.
There was no reply like normal. With a shakey breath, she put a hand on the door and spoke softly but clearly for Ezra to hear.
"Ezra, listen to me. I understand you feel broken. Weighed down by all you've been through. But you can't just stop being with us because of that. We want you back kid. Please, come back to us. Come back to me."

Ezra had been sitting on his bunk, listening to Sabine's words. His eyes filled with tears.
She was completely wrong, but right in every way.
He wanted to see if there was anymore she had t​o say but then realised.
She was waiting for him to say something.
He reached out a hand and used the Force to unlock the door.

Sabine had no idea what to expect from her small speech, but was shocked when the door opened.
"Ezra?" She asked coming in.
She saw the teen sitting on his bunk.
Face slightly pale, and bags under his eyes like he hadn't been sleeping often. She also noticed immediately that Ezra's hair had gotten longer. It now went past his shoulders.
She walked over and sat beside him.
Neither of the two teens said a word for minutes.
It was an awkward, unbearable silence.
"Sabine" Ezra said softly.
The Mandalorin's attention snapped to the boy.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"I'm sorry."
There was silence for a few seconds.
"Sorry for what? You haven't done anything wrong" she told him.
"Yes I have. I haven't socialised with anyone lately. It's just I feel like everything's my fault. If I hadn't trusted Maul, Kanan would still be able to see and Ahsoka would be with us still."
Sabine's heart melted as she listened to Ezra. His voice was cracking as tears filled his eyes.
"I wish I could go back in time and change the future. I hate myself..."
"Ezra Bridger, look me in the eye right now!" Sabine said sternly.
Ezra head shot up in surprise, looking at her nervously.
She placed a hand o his shoulder.
"What happened on Malacore wasn't your fault. It was Maul's. I know him. He once ruled my people. He's a complete ass hole and he manipulated you."
"No buts. I want you to stop blaming yourself kid. Or I'll have to force you to."
Ezra raised a brow.
"What do you mean? You'll have to force me?"
"You'll see if you don't promise you'll stop blaming yourself."
Ezra shrugged.
"Do your worse. I've suffered this far, nothing more can hurt."
"Oh trust me Ezra, this won't hurt you" Sabine replied grinning evily.
As fast as lightning, Sabine had Ezra pinned down.
"What are you going to do now?" He asked.
"Beat me up?"
"Nope!" Sabine chuckled.
"Tickle you senseless!"
She immediately started worming her fingers all over Ezra's ticklish torso.
Ezra tried his best to keep his laughter in, but as soon as she hit his armpits it was impossible.
Sabine giggled at Ezra's state. This was amazing to her cause not only was he smiling. He was laughing. She'd missed it so much.
Ezra managed to get a hand free and prodded Sabine's side.
She gave a giggly yelp and leapt off him.
Ezra sat up, smiling at Sabine who was cowering​ at the end of the bunk.
"I've missed your laugh Sabine" he grinned before lunging at her.
"No! Ezra! Don't!" She cried as he got on top of her.
He made sure she was well pinned down before grabbing her ankles and pulling off her boots.
With a glance at Sabine, he wriggled his fingers all over her soles.
Sabine gave a squeal and broke into uncontrollable giggles.
She was squirming and pleading for mercy which Ezra didn't show signs of.
She was laughing for a while before realising that with Ezra's back turned, she could easily poke his side.
She did so making Ezra squeal and scramble away from her.
The two tickled one another for a few minutes before lying on the bed. Exhausted.
"Thanks Sabine" Ezra panted.
"I really needed that."
"Anytime kid" Sabine replied.
Ezra put an arm round her as she came closer.
She lay down beside him.
Ezra smirked.
"And here I was thinking you were mature."
"Shut up" Sabine yawned.
"Hey by the way Ez. Your hair is getting long. Do you want me to cut it?"
"I would be grateful. Thanks Sabine" Ezra replied sleepily, closing his eyes.
The two fell asleep together on the bunk.
Entirely unaware of Hera who had just come in and had taken a picture that was going to be kept forever.

To those who don't like Ezra's new hair style, now you know who did it!! 
Hope you enjoyed.
Suggestions are appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲


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