"The judges actually have no fixed lineup. You've been here for a while so we want to move you up and out."

"Ok if you say so. Nice meeting you Nongs. See you later." They strolled out and King hurried to catch the backstage worker.

"Hey. Can we go out front and watch them?"

"Sure. Just hear these bands." He hurriedly passed them out then ran off. Eskimo Kings slipped them on then joined the crowd quickly to watch their idols. They didn't know it, but they settled not that far from Phun who spotted them immediately. The current band was just getting off and they were setting up for someone else. 

Everyone was busy debating who would be next but Phun was close enough to hear the King's excited talk about Noh's upcoming performance and smiled. He had seen Noh's tweet about For That Special Someone and was anxiously waiting to hear the final product. Per scrambled over to him with a wary Film.

"Just in time. They're about to go on next."

"How do you know?"

"The Kings are right there talking about it." Per glanced over and made huge eyes.

"Think it's tacky to ask for their autograph?"

"Ask them later. Noh is coming on. Look!" The three joined everyone in the screaming and shouting. 

Noh could hardly see the crowd as the hype man finished raising the roof for them but he could sure as hell hear them. They were deafening. Jesus!

He signaled and they launched into The Reason Why, another crowd favorite and everyone immediately started singing. Noh didn't even have to sing along, they knew all the words. He waved his hands from side to side and had them all doing it too.

"You guys are so awesome! I didn't even have to sing if I didn't want to but I love singing with you!" They all screamed and cheered for him. 

"So I guess I should talk about that thing huh. I tweeted about FTSS today." The screaming was outrageous. This song was ever changing and evolved as Noh evolved. The fan's had gone through it all with him and were excited.

"So I have good news and bad news about that. Which one do you want first?"

The crowd got quiet then started whispering.

"The Bad News!" Phun shouted. They were taking to damn long to decided.

"Yeah!" Someone added and the crowd shouted for him to tell them.

"Be gentle with it. It might kill us." A girl screamed from the middle.

"Awe sweetheart. It wouldn't kill ya. So I can't play that song tonight_"

"I'm dead!" She screamed out.

"_because the others have to give it an overhaul. But the good news is, instead of one song. FTSS became three. It came to me just after breakfast and so I took all the parts and you will get three songs from all of that greatness."

"Fuck me! I'm losing my mind! I'm so happy!" This was from some chick from the back and she set everyone off with the screaming. Noh raised his hand and it got so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Since you guys have been so awesome, I'll tell you the name of the first song. It's Will You Be Mine (Be my Boyfriend)? Because this is the question that started me and that special someone on the road of the awesome journey of life."

Girls were screaming and weeping now and so were some guys. Other guys were clapping and shouting. Phun wasn't sure what to do. He remembered that afternoon so clearly when Noh came rushing in to ask about the messed up budget and Phun had found himself with the best possible option to make his life easier. Here was Noh. If he could help then everything would be perfect. The perfect part took a while to become a reality but if Phun had the chance to go back in time, he would make the same decision every time.

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now