"Serenity what on earth are you doing to her!?" I breathe a sigh of relief and grumble softly as she removes the tendril from my lips. I'm turned around to see a tall fair-skinned woman with an assemble of tentacles spouting from her back. She has bright white hair similar to Karin's that runs down to about her calves, just below her knees. I can't really see her face from the distance but I manage to catch a glimpse of black eyes and blue irises as she flips her hair back.

"Oh hello, Cynthia. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I figured I would give her a bit of a startle. It worked for a minute but then she just got annoyed." Cynthia narrows her eyes at the woman for a moment before rolling them.

"It's a wonder you didn't get bitten. I warned you she could be feisty. And especially now that we know of her... talents." she gives me a side glance and I frown slightly before she turns her attention back to the woman. The two of them lower their voices and converse softly enough that I'm no longer able to hear, though I notice the two of them making gestures and looking at me every once in a while. I become fairly annoyed rather quickly and try to struggle free, but her grip seems to tighten. Whatever they're talking about they must really not want me to hear. I notice that the tentacle that had been placed over my mouth sways back and forth in front of my face subconsciously. I stare at the tentacle, then glance down at the two of them, before returning my gaze back with a large grin. 

I manage to just slightly lean in and grasp it within my mouth, holding it firmly between my lips and slowly dragging my tongue along its length. I hear a loud gasp and watch as she quickly buckles, dropping to her knees on the ground and panting heavily. I hadn't expected such a violent reaction, but Cynthia's face seems to brighten a bit and she crosses her arms and looks up at me. I look back down at her and grin, the tentacle still gripped gently between my teeth and my tongue flicking against the tip. "Naughty girl. Were you feeling ignored? Do you want to come down?"

I release my grasp and give a slight nod and raise an eyebrow. "Yes I would, Mistress. I don't much care for high places." She smirks and rolls her eyes before turning back to face the woman again, who is still knelt on the ground trying to catch her breath. She seems to be pretty sensitive. I'll keep that in mind. Why? Who knows.

"Well you heard her, you should probably put her down before she starts again." She nods slightly and slowly and gently lowers me to the ground... well almost. She drops me about 5 feet from the floor onto my butt.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for!?"
"Oh don't act like you don't know you little-"

She huffs and stands up, brushing herself off. I glare at her and cross my arms "Well maybe you should have put me down instead of ignoring me." she turns to face me and opens her mouth to say something but Cynthia bumps her with her elbow. She glares over at her then turns her attention back over to me.

"I can already tell this is going to be a long few months...." her tendrils retract into her back and she walks up to me and holds her hand out to me. "My name is Serenity, but you can call me Miss Serenity. For the next few months you and I will be working on better controlling your powers." She looks down at me expectantly and I gently take her hand, giving her knuckles a soft kiss. She smirks slightly and looks at Cynthia. "So you have taught her some manners. I thought you told me she was a handful?"

"I work well with first impressions. The attitude comes later." I grin at her and she raises her eyebrow. I shrug at her and smile "So how exactly are we planning on doing this? Do we do the whole "get to know you" thing first or do we just jump right into the good stuff?"

"In due time, dear. First I would like to see what you're capable of. Do you use actual magic or are your powers purely telekinetic?" I tilt my head at her slightly and narrow my eyes in thought. "I don't see how this is something you should have to think on. Do you use actual magic or just move things?"

"Uuh.... I recall having been able to use magic some time back, but I've been... out of practice, I should say. I haven't used my powers in ages. They seem to cause more trouble than anything else. More a hindrance than a help. It seems as if every time I use them something bad happens. In fact, between the hunter attacks, I've been trying to use my telekinesis on command, but I only seem to be able to use them in extreme situations or when I'm under duress."

She  nods slightly and crosses her arms as she listens, before turning to Cynthia and sighing. "Well it's fortunate you called me. This is really serious. If she's been suppressing her powers for so long she can no longer control them, it's become dangerous. For the 3 of you and her herself." She turns back to me and I give her a worried look. "Fear not, sweetie. That's what I'm here for. We'll get you back to- well, we'll put you in control at least. And who knows, the harder you work, the more likely you are to awaken new, more useful powers." I sigh a bit and look down, rubbing my arm. 

"That's what I'm afraid of."

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