Overwatch: F105

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i go to Ryans camera to see him awake again and he is reaching out of the cell bars and he is close to getting them he finally does and gets the door open and runs out without grabbing the radio that was there dammit. he starts to run the right way but he then soon starts to run to right where the psycho is at.

"fuck i hate you but you don't have to die." he kept running but then made a turn a the right moment and made it to the right door and went in he soon came back out with the rest of them they still have Ryder and scarlet, Candy looks like she is going to cry while holding scarlet but the soon start to stir i guess they didn't get electrocuted after all, soon Ryan comes in the room and they make it down the halls they get farther and farther and the camera cuts out go dammit not again

Go to H1

A/N sweet nightmares my dear readers 

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