Overwatch: F1

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"Ryder where the hell are you why aren't you answering me please answer me.." there was no response from her but i see Ryan pick up his phone in the living room.

"yeah who is this." why is Ryan going through my radio.

"yeah fuckwad its me, Neo and Ryder have gotten lost in the hole in Neo's room i need you to go after them." they all looked at each other and run to the room and jump down the hole and turn on the lights that are now working they saw the bloody wooden chair and the entire room covered in blood they started t go down the walls with the way they had gone so they soon also started to disappear why did i decide to fucking tell them again oh because i am an idiot.

it has been about an hour and in this time span i have tried to contact them multiple times and tried to get the cameras work but none worked i also grabbed a bag of chips and a soda i was just watching the cameras when they all went black.

"no no no no no no fuck no what the fuck in fuckity fuck fuck is fucking happening." i started to type on the cameras to get them up again.

"i see what you are trying to do and its not going to work i have no clue why you are trying to help them but you played into my plan and now you are going to help me." a distorted deep voice rang through the speakers in my bunker how is this person doing this more important question why are they doing this?
"i'm not going to wait for a answer i'm just going to show you what you have to do." all the screens in my bunker show scarlet and Ryder strapped to old bloody leather chairs  and there arms and legs are strapped down and they are passed out Ryder looks like she is slowly waking up  she looks around and then struggles on the restraints.
"now now now we need some help, you the people or whatever your name is is to pick who will live and who will die all you have to do is type in the name have fun" the voice started a deep laugh that sounded distorted and mechanical. fuck what the heel am i supposed to do.

"overwatch don't kill her let me die i got us into this mess let me get us out of this fucking hell hole." i looked at Ryder who was starring right at the camera in the corner.

"i cant do that Ryder i don't want to play this game that is being made by this psycho i don't want to go along i cant pick one." she looked back at the camera with pleading eyes and scarlet has just woken.

F101 chose to kill one of them

F102 try to hack the system

A/N hard choice ain't it one definitely kill one of them and one has a chance of killing both well sweet nightmares my dear readers.

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