overwatch: C105

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i start to type on the key board as fast as i can i some how know how to hack into stuff. the lights started to flicker in the hole and see that the lights are slowly turning on but one of the main cameras starts to flicker out dammit its starting to take power from one of my cameras the more the light in the hole turns on the more the camera starts to go out. the light then turned on and the camera went black good news is with power in that room hopefully i can get access to the cameras in there i start to type on the computer again and a horrific site appears before me.

"Ryder are you seeing the same room i am seeing or am i on the wrong camera?" there was no response but i could see a frozen Ryder just standing in the middle of the rom taking in all the stuff that is in the room. there is a restraining wooden chair covered in fresh blood like not years ago blood but somewhat new dried blood the there is blood on the walls and floor the room might as well be red it seems to have somewhat of a white background that is what it was originally meant to be there was also an old cart with rusted out bloody tools. the next thing that i see on my camera is rose running and throwing up in the corner.

"uh Ryder just calm down its ok its just a part of the old sanatorium." she nodded and then wiped her mouth.

"you ok?" she looked into the corner where on of the cameras were and put her thumb up.

C107 chose to have Ryder leave the room and tell the others

C108 Ryder can go farther into the room to try and find Neo 

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