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The camping trip ended and they all returned home. Anna and Mike had a stronger bond and Max has learned to accept Daisy's constant need for attention.

  As Mike's car approached his house he noticed that a car which was familiar looking was parked outside it. He slowed it down and stared more before recognizing it.

  He turned into the driveway and stepped out to see the Butler looking down at him. "I see you have returned." Mike nodded "I didn't expect anyone around. Is she in the room?"

  The Butler nodded and opened the door for Mike to walk in.

  He hadn't seen her appear from behind and grab him. "Son! You can't even sense me anymore!"

  Mike sighed as he pulled his mother's arms off. "Because I'm seventeen and not thinking that I have spider sense. I'm mostly bothered of why you came out of the blue. You and Dad are only around during special holidays."

  His mother sighed and placed the fur coat she had on against the chair. "Boy, you get that snobbish attitude from your dad, I know the wild side is all me. So why you frowning? Mr.Patrick informed me that you were on a camping trip with your friends and Anna."

  Mike smiled a bit. "Yeah, I was. And I didn't burn the forest down this time."

  She rolled her brown eyes as she let down her black hair. "Thank God for that. Your Dad and I never heard the end of that thing. But besides that," she flipped out the White Rose magazine which had Anna and him on the cover. "I heard you and the princess are a thing."

  Mike flinched for a second not expecting his mother to know much about that side.

  "You thought I hadn't heard?" She asked as she sat and dropped the magazine. "I might not be around much but I do have multiple ears all around you. Dad doesn't know about it though, same goes for her dad, but us mums are keeping it between one another."

  Just great...

  Mike pulled his hair back away from his face. "Well, I don't have any complaint about you guys knowing."

  "I do, Arnold." She said and Mike held back a curse. He really hated that name. "I'm telling you this because I also knew about Sidney."

  Mike's heart skipped a beat at that sentence. He turned away and began fiddling with throw pillows beside him.

  "I know you don't want to talk about it." She continued "I don't wish to either, but Arnold, are you sure you want to venture back into this? I'm betting Wills had his doubts too. He's always looking out for you and you should appreciate that."

  "I do." Mike told her "And I understand why you'll be asking these questions. The truth is Anna and I know that I'm not perfect and we know about how I react around Sidney, but we both enjoy the fact that we have problems. We both know we can lean on each other rather than taking those things alone. Don't you think that's better?"

  His mother was silent. She just stared at him not answering the question for a moment, then she sighed.

  "You remind me of your old man and I." She said "We both aren't perfect, we both enjoy that, but the business doesn't allow us always to be on good terms. But we both love you and we are here for you. You know that."

  She looked down at her phone then got up from the couch. "Well, that's all I can say, I have to leave."

  Mike followed her to the door. "Where are you off to this time?"

  "Your father pissed me off." She told him as she got into the Rolls Royce "And I'm going to sell that lake house in Spain."

  Mike's eyes widened. "Wait what?!"

  "That's what he gets for trying to out-do my cooking with some stupid chef." She explained and patted his cheek "Don't make that mistake with me or your punishment would be much worse. Chow!"

  The car drove off and Mike stared off as it disappeared down a curve.

  I might have gotten the crazy side from her but she's much worse...

  Later that night as Mike was in his room watching some movies the door opened and Sarah was standing at the door. "Hey, Mike."

  Mike sat up. "Holy shit! Can't you knock?! And how you get in here?"

  Sarah pointed downstairs. "Patrick was cool with me coming in and I'm not one who asks for permission."

  Mike rolled his eyes. "Got that part. But what you doing here?"

  "Fred and I decided we should leave our parents to think for a while because of my..."Issue""

  Mike frowned understanding. "Yeah. I heard about that, you're welcome to sleep here."

  "Thanks." She looked back "Victoria, he said we can stay in his room."

  Mike's jaw dropped. "Hold on a second."

  Victoria came into view, she smiled at Mike as she wrapped her arms around Sarah. "Hey there, it's not something we can start to explain now but we really need your-" before she was done Mike was already outside "You can tell me in the morning. Just tell me where Fred is."

  "Down here." Fred's voice echoed through the house but Mike could tell that it was from the kitchen.

  He left the two girls and went down to see Fred's head in the fridge. "You guys keep lobster?"

  Mike nodded although he knew Fred didn't see it. "You can eat up. I'm betting you had more of the headache because you're meant to watch over her."

  "Tell me about it." Fred said with a mumbled tone "Had to drive out with my old man again and again so we could talk about the future and how this is a big step into adulthood. He was okay with Sarah though, it was my Mum who I was afraid she lost it."

  Mike shrugged. "A lot of things change." "Yep." Fred agreed "Including people, I'm enjoying that Anna is bringing out the best in you. Although I can't tell how she did it."

Mike chuckled. "I'm guessing it's about time. But aside from that," he pointed up towards his room "I didn't know Victoria was in it with Sarah."

  "They've been at it." Fred told him "For a while. So she talked her into telling our parents."

  Mike looked at him. "Regrets?"

  Fred shook his head. "To be honest, I'm even more cool with it now that it's open. The time I caught them in my Jeep was not pretty."

  Mike pointed out. "You wanna roll out? Heard Max is having some ladies at his place."

  Fred was perplexed. "Lad, why are you bothered by that?"

  "Not for me," Mike told him "I ain't interested. It's you I'm looking at."

  Fred turned back to the fridge. "I'm fine thank you."

  Mike grabbed his arm. "Let's go. You need a girl in your life before college hits you."

  Fred shook his head. "I'll be okay with the fridge and I."

  Mike cursed. Fred was terrible heavy so moving him was a task, especially with him already stuffing his mouth with food.

  "You know that's just sad, right?" Mike told him"Just one girl in your life could make all the difference. Look at me. I'm great."

  Fred looked at him for a second before closing the fridge. "Fine, let's go. Nothing to regret."

  Mike nodded with a smile. "That's the spirit. Now let's go find you someone."

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