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No emotions.

No threads attached.

He hadn't done this in a long time.

Mike's eyes opened to the sight of the ceiling. His body under the covers and Sidney's own pressed against his side.

He sat up and looked down at her. A smile on her face. She had needed that and so did Mike. To remind himself who he truly was.

He got up and got his clothes from the floor before she woke up. "Oh, you're awake."

Mike looked at her over his shoulder. "I have to go somewhere today, Sidney. I'll call." He opened the door but she called him before he stepped out "Does...does that mean this is going to happen again?"

Mike smirked but she couldn't see it from where she stood. "Yeah, Sidney. We'll have more..."


The rest of the term was quick. The Christmas holiday was nice because Mike finally got to be with his parents for it and they had dinner out.

But Mike wasn't around much. He was out of the house so much Halls began to feel lonely.

Fiesta Roland was back.

And he was a lot worse. Girls fell for him once he brought back that bad boy look once again.

His friends thought that he had just decided to change his style for the New year but they didn't know he was sleeping with every girl that caught his attention. Away from his school or from others. All in secret. No strings attached. But Sidney still believed she was the only one for him.

But Mike wasn't one to stay with one girl.


A week to school on a Thursday morning Mike was in his mansion cleaning himself up. He was meant to meet up another girl from an opposing school at a restaurant.

She saw it as a date. He saw it as a short interval towards the only thing he was bothered about.

But as he opened the door he saw a white Rolls Royce pulling up infront of the stairs. And Mike could tell from the crest on the door. Levesique.

Anna stepped out. Her hair was now golden and was just a bit shorter than her previous one. They hadn't spoken to each other ever since that night on her porch. Seeing her here was a suprise.

"Michael." She said as she stood in front of him "Anna." Mike said resting against the door. "For what reason are you suddenly parking in front of my house?"

She looked at her car. "I know we haven't talked in a while. But to be honest, Mike, I need your help."

Mike scoffed"Last time I gave you my help you told me to fuck off. I might as well return the favor."

He was about to close it but two boys looking exactly alike although one wore glasses and the other didn't stepped out of the Rolls Royce. "Hey, Anna?" One called "Is this the nice guy?"

Mike looked down at the twins, her little brothers, and bent a bit to be at their heights. "Hey, little lads, I'm Mike, nice to meet you."

"I'm Clarence." The one in glasses told him "This is the stupid one, Perry."

"Hey!" Perry protested and Anna held him "Don't mind him, Perry." She told him "Just going to have to tolerate your brother."

Mike pointed inside. "Hey, why don't you two go in and find Halls, my dog. He doesn't bite."

They celebrated before running in at a quick speed.

"How old are they?" Mike asked still looking at them

"They're six." She told him "And are a handful."

"I can tell." Mike agreed "But I can't understand why you're infro-."

"Stop being cold."

Mike's tongue instantly stopped moving at her command.

"My brothers are have been having arguments lately." She continued "And I've been trusted to get them to stop. I'm thinking of an amusement park but I don't know where. I'm guessing you do and you can take us...unless you're busy."

Mike looked at Anna slowly not understanding why he was even listening to her. But he got out his phone and cancelled the date.

"Only for the boys." Mike told her as he slid the phone back into his pocket "You and I are still not cool."

"Okay." She said ""For the boys""

Mike took them out in one of the Fords in his garage to an amusement park which his mother used to take him to when he was young. It was still running although it's crowd was small. But that was to their advantage.

"There are a lot of activities for you two." Mike told them "But you have to promise me, if you fight I'm driving you back home and you're going to do your homework."

The twins shivered at the threat and Anna smiled. "Now just go have fun and meet us back here."

They left them at the entrance and Anna turned to Mike.
"Thanks for cancelling your thing."

Mike stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I said I was doing it for them, Anna. Remember the last thing you told me to do was fuck off."

"You don't like to make things rest, do you?" Anna said and began to walk "But let's go and watch after them. I don't want them getting lost."

Mike looked around trying to understand why he's even here but he still followed after her.

The rides were nice and the twins had fun and came to a truce. They'll never fight unless it was over the TV remote. So Mike's job was done. At least he thought so.

Once the twins were out of ear shot and they had found themselves a secluded spot Anna decided it was time she brought up the last time they argued.

"Gerald and I are over." She told him and Mike shrugged "Good for you I guess."

But inside Mike felt relief. At least she won't fall into one of Vonn's traps.

"And I watched the videos." She added moving her hair aside from her eyes "I'm sorry that you had to dig that up for me. It was really hard core."

"I'm okay with it." Mike told her still not facing her "The good thing is that you didn't go through it...Vonn is a prick."

"Yeah." She agreed "I'm guessing so. But why don't I ask you something?"

He turned and almost tripped over backwards when he saw how close her face was to his. "Um...what do you want to ask?" He muttered feeling uneasy.

"Why did you do it, Roland?"

The calm whisper sunk in and Mike found himself unable to speak. He had asked himself that question that same night he gave her the evidence but there wasn't an answer to it.

She rose an eyebrow and stared him in the eyes. "No answer? No resistance? I'm beginning to wonder..." She placed a hand on his cheek "What your real motives are..."

Mike was frozen to the spot as he looked at her lips. His heart rate increased rapidly and everywhere suddenly began to feel hot.

What the fuck is happening to me?

His senses kicked in on the last second and he grabbed her wrist before things could get worst. But he had no response for her. No cold remarks.

He was only concentrating on how to breathe again.

He stepped aside and began walking not turning back to her. He completely left the car and took a cab back home and as he got home he got to his room and sat on the bed burying his face in his palms.

It couldn't be what he thought it was...not now.

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