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"That motherfucking, snow covered, tap dancing, French talking, swan looking, freaking slag!!!!"

Wills grip on the steering wheel tightened as Mike went on insulting, cursing, and coloring Anna Levesique with sentences that didn't sound in anyway coherent.

He was now on the verge of dropkicking him out of the car and driving on him continuously until he was considered unrecognizable.

"The girl dissed you, so what?" He said taking a turn. "Not like it's never happened to anyone. Plus: that was four days ago! Get the fuck over it!"

"I don't care that she dissed me!" Mike told him. "I care that she dissed me for no reason! I'm not gonna get mugged off by some bird that migrated from Paris and thinks she can come along and fuck people up! I swear by-"

Wills slammed the brakes and turned to him. "I swear if you say another word of that Anna girl I will beat your ass so hard they'll hear in Old Trafford even if it were a Manchester derby!"

With that threat Mike's lips didn't part again until they reached the house of Maxwell Porats. The one person that had been sick all because he travelled back to his place in Australia and got bitten by a poisonus snake.

His mansion was huge, so was the one back in Australia which made Wills and Mike wonder what his mother did for a living. But they never asked.

Max walked out of his home and waved at Wills' approaching BMW with a wide smile.

His tanned skin was adored by the tattoos that appeared on different parts of his body. The one he loved most was the saying that his father had made to him before passing away.

His long brown dreadlocks fell over his shoulders although he normally kept it in a band so it won't be all over the place. His height was almost that of Wills so he and Mike were about on the same level.

"Hey, lads." He said cheerfully to them as they got out of the car. "The pool is ready with the drinks and all.

  Mike smiled at that information. He felt like he needed that so he nodded and went to change.

After a while when they had settled and Max had filled them in on his trip back home up to the part where the snake struck Wills decided to tell everything back in exchange. Including Mike getting mugged.

Max brushed his chin with his hand as he decided to try and put things together. "I give up. There is exactly no situation I can think of that she'll give you that attitude."

"Thank you!" Mike screamed happily that someone else saw his point.

Wills flipped over the magazine in his hand. "Not to sound like a prick but I think her reason isn't exactly bad... I have a feeling that it's actually something we haven't put to thought."

Max sighed. "Girl's are quite confusing. That's how there's this girl who's pretty and fit but doesn't seem to be welcoming when I start to approach."

Wills looked at him "Who's that?" Max waved the question aside "I'll show you later... but I'm kinda lost at your issue, Mike."

Mike stopped sipping his drink and turned to him. "What?"

"Why do you care exactly? It's not like other guys at school haven't been pied on different occasions. Don't you remember Alex Hortty?"

Wills snickered. "The guy that tried to get a date with his friend from middle school and saw his best friend banging her against the lockers? That was a terrible day for that lad."

Mike threw his fingers up. "I'm caring for two reasons. One: Our parents are on good terms. And two: because I have been trusted to take care of her and show her around the place. I can't do that if she's going to act like I murdered her goldfish."

Wills didn't say a word but Max spoke. "I think that you need to relax? Like find something else to put your mind to... pool party always help."

Mike nodded. "Sounds like a great idea. Who's holding one?"

Wills rose his arm. "I'm doing one at my lake house next week."

Max looked at him. "Thought you only do that for your birthdays?"

"Kim's birthday is on Friday so I'm just gonna use there." He answered casually, but grinned at the thought of throwing the party. "So, yeah... she's going to enjoy it."

Mike smiled. "I knew that you were whipped, lad, but not this badly."

Wills flicked him off.


Monday came again and Mike found himself standing at the doors of the principal.

"What did I do now?" He asked himself. He literally didn't do anything to make him be in this situation. He at least was certain that he had done his homework, not insulted a teacher, or gotten in a fight recently.

Then the door in front of him swung open and Anna stepped in. At her eyes falling on him she put on a disgusted expression and Mike growled in reply.

  To him he sees the girl now as a crazy person who just blabs nonsense.

Kebash opened his office doors and then smiled once he saw them both. "Ah, early response, I like that."

Mike looked away from Anna. "So what's going on, Mr. Kebash? Are we doing something?"

Kebash nodded "Yes you are. Anna's parents said that you two should drive to Saturn Rooms right now so he can speak to Anna."

Anna spun around "I'll take a cab." Kebash stopped her easily by grabbing her shoulder. "And waste money? No. Just hop in Mike's car and be on your way."

Mike muttered a curse and then looked at her. "Let's go... I'll be quick about the drive."

Unfortunately for Mike his Lamborghini was a two sitter meaning he had to do the drive with Anna next to him. For the first ten minutes it wasn't bad but the second Mike stopped the car things went bad.

Anna felt the car come to a halt but was confused when they saw the area. "Why did you park outside Coldstone?" Mike looked at her like she was stupid.

  "To get some ice cream." He stepped out then looked back at her "Want so-"

She cut him off by shaking her head. "No thanks but I'll buy myself if I'm hungry."

Mike felt himself finally snap. "Okay, what the hell is wrong with you? All I did was ask you if you wanted ice cream and then you act like I just asked for a blowjob!"

Anna turned to him. "Well knowing your disgusting behavior I believe you can do that."

"We only met for a night and we got along! What did I possible do to get on your bad side?!"

"I don't need to answer your stupid questions." She told him "And if you don't mind, we're running late."

Mike didn't say anything. He got his ice cream and after that drove as fast as he could to Saturn Rooms.

Anna looked at him. "We're here, let's go."

She got out of the car and made her way up the stairs but once she reached the last one she realized that Mike wasn't behind her. Infact, he was still seated in the car with his grip on the steering wheel and his eyes forward.

"Hello?" She called. "If you don't mind I ha-"

"They told you everything." He said ignoring her sentence. "They told you everything about me...that's why you hate me, right?"

Anna was about to speak but when she made contact with his empty brown eyes her lips refused to part.

Mike started the car "Find a cab back, I'll never disturb you again...but a word of advice. Before you judge someone hear the story from his side first."

Anna was about to protest but his car was already speeding away as fast it came and she just stared in its direction. She was confused at his sentence because she was certain that he hadn't changed...nobody ever did.

Mike said nothing as he drove down Manchester. Because it all made sense now. They told her about his dark days...dark days that refused to become distant memories instead of constant nightmares.

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