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  Mike had never wanted to stop time so badly before.

You literally have to be shitting me!
Every eye in their grade was staring straight at them and they were frozen there like a deer in headlights.

Standing in the middle was Max and Daisy who were enjoying every second of it. "Hello, lovebirds. You're looking cozy in there."

Anna's face was bright red as she looked at everyone in the eye. But she was still smack on in his laps. "Daisy, what is this?"

Mike saw the faces. Faces of unbelief.

They didn't hear everything. Please tell me they didn't hear anything.
"I don't believe it." A voice emerged from the crowd. "I mean, come on, it's Fiesta Roland we're talking about. He sleeps with girls for fun. This is just another bird in his cage."

Daisy turned. "Oi! Shut the fuck up!"

Anna was silent looking down at the floor. The words stung even Mike. They were insensitive...

But also true...

Mike stood up and Anna dropped to his side still not saying anything. Daisy and the guy were having an argument and Max was dealing with someone else but they all stopped when Mike rolled up the window.

"I'm not perfect. And I'm sure not everyone is but I know I have a terrible record. I did somethings. A lot of bad things so I won't say anyone would be wrong to think wrong of me.  I don't deserve her, and she deserves far better than me. But I'm trying to hold on to something before I go do something stupid again."

"I never liked all that sex. I didn't know who I was. I used it to hide my insecurities. I was scared to devote myself to someone else apart from myself and she is two. I found comfort in her and I know everyone's thinking that I'm stupid or just playing around with this. But I'm not. I...I love her."

Everyone was silent. Just staring at Mike and Anna speechless.

Then he appeared from the corner with his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"There was hesitation in those three words, Roland." Vonn said "But I know when you're lying and I know you aren't now."

Mike looked at him with a risen brow but a grin. "You've been watching for a while, haven't you?"

Vonn nodded slowly. "I find it quite entertaining that you're going to do this again. But I have a feeling this one might just work."

Whispers began to fill the air. And Mike knew why. A facing like this was never expected. Even Mike hadn't expected it. Although he was betting Vonn had planned for this.

"I'm not here as a threat." Vonn continued looking at everyone "And I know that none of you were expecting me to be here. But I'm being honest, I'm not here for trouble. I've left those childish games. But by the way you were all arguing I bet you haven't."

He turned to Mike once more "I'm guessing I can say you now have a shot at love, Roland. But I'll still be watching. You never know when a twist in any story can happen."

He turned and walked off just fast enough before Kebash's voice broke the silence "WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING HERE?!"

Mike leaped and shot past Anna and so did everyone leaving the area in a flash but suprisingly Fred had carried Anna on his back and ran through the halls quickly dropping her at the bathroom before he to ran off.

But nobody saw Sidney staring at Anna from a corner with a dangerous glint in her eyes.


The relationship was open. Now everyone knew, and Mike didn't give a heck.

They went on multiple dates. Occasionally took the twins out and also modeled for the White Rose company.

Life was great. And the weekend was going to be greater.

As Mike's Lamborghini pulled up at the front of Wills lake house Max's Bugatti pulled a dangerous drift beside him and Mike stepped out quickly. "Lad, what the fuck?"

Max laughed "I'm Roman Peirce, mate!"

"You'll be fast and dead the next time you pull off that stunt again." Wills warned as he walked down the stairs.
"Fred is coming to pull the things to the garage. His sister finally dealt with the confession thing and it seems like their all clear. The cars have been moved out and the break is just around the corner. We'll have that side of the lake to ourselves. So I hope your girlfriends are on board like mine."

He pointed back at Kim who was waving at them from the window. "Hey, boys."

Max squinted to get a better view. "Lad, is that your shirt she's wearing?"

"That's not important." Wills told him with his face turning faint red.

Mike shrugged. "I'm going to go and ask her now. So maybe I'll stop over at Fred's place." He got back into his car and waved them bye before his car shot down the road.

The road was free so Mike got over to her house much faster. He stepped out and before he knocked the Nanny opened the door. "Good afternoon, Mr.Roland."

"How come you guys always know I'm at the door?" He asked and she pointed to up to the wall. "There's a camera here so we know when anyone is approaching. We also see the kisses you and Ms.Anna sneak on at nights when you drop her off."

Mike didn't reply.

"Don't worry. We delete those." She stepped aside. "She's in her room."

Mike knocked on her door and when he got no response he opened it and walked in. "Anna?"

A tackle sent him to the bed and he looked up to see Anna smiling down at him. "Hello, boyfriend."

Mike smiled back. "You love reminding me."

"I like reminding us." She corrected. "Because I can't even believe it myself."

Mike pulled her face down and kissed her. "I think that's real enough, right?"

She blushed. "I guess so."

Mike sat up and held unto her. "So I was thinking that you'll come along and spend sometime with us in the woods, a camp trip, by the lake."

Anna frowned. "I'm too high class to be in a forest."

Mike chuckled. "I am too but Imagine the fun we'll have. The occasional hikes and boat rides."

She sighed and threw her head back. "I'm guessing you're not going to let me out of this no matter how much I beg."

He shook his head. "Nope, but..." He leaned in and kissed her neck softly slowly going to the rest of her "I'll treat you like a queen even though you're a princess."

She giggled and pushed him down "Aren't you a charming boy. But why don't you treat me like a queen right now?" And she killed the lights from the switch next to the bed.


Anna had followed him to the garage after three hours of alone time and supposedly when they arrived everyone also agreed they were drained so they locked up and decided to sleep.

As Mike slept with Anna in his arms he heard an slow whisper.

"Player's never change..."
His eyes flung open and he looked around in search of anyone. But everyone was asleep.

He sighed. "Probably just some shitty dream." He decided and laid his head back down.

But he had a feeling those words were going to appear eventually...

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