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Mike didn't tell them. But the rest of them already knew that Anna had caused the gloomy attitude he had developed.

  "To think we went through all of that for her." Owen muttered with his eyes to the ground. "Yeah." Max agreed "All we're trying to do is keep her away from that son of a bitch, Vonn. It would've been nice if she listened to what we had to say."

  Fred sighed as he pulled his jacket closer to his body. It had gotten colder although the snow had stopped for some reason. "Forget it, it ain't losing our heads over. If she doesn't want to hear him out it's her lost."

  Mike chuckled scratching his hair. "Some stupid mission impossible we pulled, huh?"

  Wills adjusted his glasses. "Considering that Max was the only one who had fun with the crazy turn up he pulled."

  Max snickered. "I'm wondering how the hell they didn't recognize me. But it was fun."

  Owen got up, "Well, we did are best. And my soul is at peace. Now we need a party to celebrate..."

  Everyone turned to Mike and Mike knew why. "Sidney's birthday party is on the roof for one of your parents short buildings with her family. We understa-"

  "Let's go."

  Max's eyes widened. "What? Mate, you sure?" Mike rose from the table and pulled his hair back "I'm tired of keeping away from shit like that. And we do need a good party. And to be honest I really need a drink and I know the bar makes good drinks. So let's go chug."

  He turned and walked out of the place but Wills knew something was up. Because he doesn't rant like that unless he's angry.

  Mike bumped into Marnie later and she forced him to tell him everything. Including the meet up with Anna.

  "So she said all of that after you did that for her?" Mike nodded not talking any further. "She's kind of a prick and a slag for doing that to you. She doesn't understand how much you've gone through with that guy. But I'm more worried of you than her. You look tired and down, don't let her get on your nerves."

  She rose her hand to feel he's cheek but Mike pulled away. "Yeah. She isn't getting on my nerves, but what I do need to do is think by myself. So if you'll excuse me."

  She looked at him for a brief moment. She noticed that darkness that resided within he's gaze. The same thing that was there after he broke up with Sidney. But she still nodded "Guess I'll see you later." She walked off and Mike didn't look back at her even though she was staring at him through the way.

  This went on for the week. Even principal Kebash noticed and called him to his office on Thursday. "Are you alright, chap?" He asked studying him through the round tinted glasses that balanced on his nose "The football coach said you've not been looking the same through your training. We're wondering whether you're sick."

  Mike shook his head. "No, sir, just tired...I have a lesson. So may I take my leave?"

  Kebash glanced over him one more time before slowly nodding. "You may leave...just don't get in trouble."

  So when Sidney's birthday came Mike had decided to come with Owen who was trying to start a conversation but didn't seem to be working.

  They got out and spotted Fred and his twin sister, Sarah who ran up and hugged him "Hi, Mike, long time no see, huh?" Mike smiled back at her "Yeah. Sorry I haven't been online. Owen's been covering up for me." "Wills said Max is busy taking too long to change. I suggest we go up anyways."

  The party was on the large roof of the building. Rays of light shot into the sky in different colors and frequently changing direction.

  The music that played from the speakers were upcoming songs that sent good vibes through people but Mike eventually found himself at the bar with a shot glass in front of him and a frown across his face.

  Girls tried to get his attention and everytime they touched him he either ignored to them or pulled away.

  Max grabbed his shoulder and leaned down to for him to see. "Roland! This party is great! Having seen so much ass in my life! And you were right! The alcohol here is amazing and super rare!"

  Drunk Max was a bad influence on anyone.

  Mike patted his shoulder and pulled him aside to Daisy who sat alone at a place. But suprisingly as Max saw her he began to push back. "Oh no, mate. Not her." Mike was perplexed "I am drunk and smell like a rat's ass and I really fancy her."

  Mike chuckled. "Oh, how the great have fallen. Come on, we'll go and get you cleaned up then you'll go and see her."

  Mike led Max to the bathroom in one of the rooms and then waited outside for him. But as he did he noticed someone approaching. Someone he really didn't want to see.

  "Good evening, Roland." Vonn said as he adjusted his collar "I guess you're enjoying the party."

  "Gerald." Mike said getting off his leaning position and looking down at his watch "Not suprised to see you here." "If you think I'm here to see her you're wrong." Vonn told him "I came looking for did you enjoy our masquerade ball?"

  Mike flinched but it wasn't noticable. "How?"

  "Nothing go through my doors and I don't know about it, Roland. I'm guessing you didn't think of the cameras on your little mission?"

  Mike smirked. "That didn't cross my mind to be honest."

  "And your mission. Suprisingly you covered your tracks well once inside. I didn't know a thing."

  Mike turned to him. "A lad can't come and enjoy a party?"

  Vonn stared at him before beginning to walk past him. "I'm guessing so although it's unlikely for that to be the real reason...maybe Anna?"

  Mike grabbed his shirt and with a swift motion slammed him against the wall.

  Vonn put on his demonic grin. "Well, well, looks like I struck a nerve there."

  Mike stared him in the eye and being honest Vonn had never seen him this angry before.

  "I know you're with Anna. And I know she likes you too...but I'll be clear to you, Gerald Vonn, if you mess with her. Or you break her. I promise'll be very suprised what would happen to you. Because I'll give you a lesson you'll never forget."

  Vonn stayed quiet for a moment then she pulled his hand off him. "Very well, Roland, I've heard your threat. But don't think for one second that you have anything over me." He walked off and Max stepped out spraying his new shirt with a Versace perfume. "Where you talking to someone bro?" "An unwanted guest." Mike answered.

  They got to the elevator and the doors slid open for Sidney to look up from the ground and see Mike and Max. " guys."

  Max felt uneasy because of Mike but he still smiled at her. "Hey, Sidney, happy birthday. Cool party."

  She nodded. "Thanks, Max. Nice perfume." She looked at Mike who was looking away " you mind if we talk? Alone?"

  Max glanced over to Mike not feeling safe about leaving them alone. But Mike spoke. "Why don't you go see Daisy, mate, I'll meet you top side later."

  Max nodded and stepped into the elevator. "Don't take long."

  The elevator left and Sidney put on a small smile. "You came."

  "For the drinks." He completed "Not for you." She frowned "Oh..."

  "But I believe for your birthday I can give you the gift of talking to me without me ignoring or trying to run away." He told her then pointed to a room "Let's talk there."

  Mike closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall while she sat on the couch.

  "Saw Vonn." He stated "I know." She told him. I sent him away."

  Mike nodded and looked away. "I'm guessing you want to talk about something apart from that."

  She nodded. "Mike...I know I've done what can only be described as a mistake. And I know that it took a toll in your life. And I'm truly sorry for hurting you. Ever since that night I shattered that thing we had between us. The ability to lean on each other thick and thin."
  "The ability to have fun when it was just both of us. And since then I've been packing up all that sadness inside unable to share it with anyone because everyone called me a slut. And I deserved that. I know that once I did it I was going to hurt you...and now that I have I realized hurting you has also hurt me. I missed our trips around the world."
  "The bars...and I miss that moment when I said I loved you on that rooftop of the garage...being without you is far worse than not talking to you, and even though you don't forgive me can you please...please at least speak to me."

  She was crying now. Genuine tears. Tears of pain and not just to make Mike's gaurd lower. But still...

  "Why did you do it with Vonn?"

  She wiped her tears although it was already all over her cheeks. "Because... Gerald was my ex and he seduced me into it. And I wasn't strong enough to resist. It was my fault."

  She buried her face in her palms and continued to cry as Mike looked down at her.

  She had never told him all this before. Mostly it was an argument but this was really how she felt inside.




  And Mike did feel like that. Ever since he had seen that scene.

  Run back to Sidney...

  Mike walked up to her and knelt infront of her. "Sidney, I'm sorry to. Acting like a dick and always shouting at you. To be honest...I too have been feeling...empty without you. We had good time. And to be honest I was always like that because I couldn't bring myself to talk to you."

  She looked up her face wet from tears. "Seriously?"

  Mike pulled a towel from the stacks on the bed. "Seriously. I think we both needed this talk."

  She sniffed. "Thank you for this...I needed to talk to you..."

  Mike wiped her tears from her face looking into her eyes. "I know we did. And I'm guessing we're also needing this." He leaned in and pressed her lips on hers and she kissed back. Not knowing how this was happening but she was going to take it.

  She pulled his shirt open and explored his chest missing the feel of his smooth skin.

  But she didn't know what he was thinking. And Mike was stopping himself from laughing...because he just realized.

  He never lost that Roland charm.

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