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That Wednesday afternoon after school Anna stood at the entrance of Staken court with her hands fiddling with her bag and shirt.

  She didn't understand why, but ever since Mike dropped by her house it's like he had gone back to that sad state again and to be honest it made her both confused and somewhat worried.

  They weren't close so she knew that he wasn't going to talk. So the plan today was to squeeze as much as she can out of him.

  She pulled her hair aside just as she noticed the grey Bentley pulling up infront of her.

  The window lowered and Mike turned to her. There wasn't even music playing.

  "You ready?" Mike asked glancing at her then turning back to the windshield. This wasn't going to be easy at all.
She sighed and simple opened the door to get in. "I see you're loving the new wheels." She said.

  Mike shrugged. "A car's a car." He changed gear and they began moving "I'm going to take you to some random places here and there and I believe you won't get back to your place till around eight. We'll stop for food at intervals. That okay with you?"

  Anna was literally staring at him but Mike didn't seem to be bothered or he just didn't care.

  "First off: The Stargate shopping complex." He said this as he reversed into a parking spot and turned off the vehicle. "Over here you can find almost literally anything." He told her "And I do mean anything."

  He got out and began walking and Anna followed closely behind. She was now brainstorming on how to get him to talk. She wasn't sure whether they had anything in common and to do that with his current state was going to prove very difficult.

  They went through a couple of shops, did some window shopping, then moved out. To her this was rather boring.
As they began another journey Anna decided that talking to him was useless and she was waisting her time.

  She turned on the radio and as soon as the song began to play out Mike turned with a smile. "Hey, I love this song."
Anna frowned. She had just recently decided it was a failed mission but this might prove useful.

  "You do?" She asked looking down at the radio "I don't know this song?"

  Mike chuckled. "It's a song about your place and you don't know it? "Paris" by the Chainsmokers. I wonder what you listen to at home."

  The smile didn't leave his face. And Anna knew it wasn't one of those cheeky grins he would use to attract the girls back at school. It was a smile of something happy and it actually caused her to smile too.

  "Unlike you ruffians I enjoy classic music." She joked and he laughed at her sentence "Oh this is going to be hilarious. Got any on your phone?"

  She handed him the phone and as he linked the radio to it a relaxing tune played out. One of a great piano. This was one of her favorite but of course she wasn't expecting him to live it.

  Anna turned to him. "Alright, you can say it sounds like a terrible-"

  "Actually," Mike cut in having a bit of seriousness in his tone "it sounds quite nice even for a classic old thing."
She smiled at the complement. Maybe he wasn't all that bad.

  After two places they stopped as she spotted one of her mum's branches. "Can we stop at White Rose? I want to check it out for myself."

  Mike nodded as the car began to slow down. "If you're one day going to own the place you might as well get used to it."

  Mike's mood was surprisingly better than that of the days after he ran into Vann. Was it possible that being with a princess was entertaining? But come to think of it, Anna wasn't bad. She definitely wasn't like those bratty bitches from Parken House who believed they were superior even though they were nothing.
  Anna didn't flex on her wealth, she kept things casual because she enjoyed it. He guessed the part about her being stunningly beautiful wasn't her fault...wait where did that come from?

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