The Walk

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Chapter 20

1 moth later

"Hey Angel I have to ask you a question?" I say as I hold Angels hand.

"What is it Jimmy?"Angel asks curios.

I scratch my head. "We'll I wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I ask Angel.

Angel laughs.

"Jimmy, I'm your girlfriend. Of course I will go on date with you." Angel says with a giggle.

"Look at you love birds!" I hear Jerome shout.

I turn to Jerome.

"Hey Jerome you finally left your room." I say gladly.

"Yup! I thought it was about time for me to see the daylight once again." Jerome tells me.

I smile to Jerome and look at Angel once again.

"We'll maybe Jerome if you want we can go for a walk?" I ask Jerome.

Jerome nods.

"Come on let's go!" Jerome says excited.

We walk outside and it was already night time.

"It's pretty dark." Jerome tells me.

"It sure is." I say.

We continued to walk for a little more in silence but then finally speak.

"You know it's been forever since I last spoke to you Jimmy." Jerome says as I continued to walk ahead of Jerome.

"Yeah the last time I talked to you had tears streaming down your face." I tell Jerome.

"I was very emotional at the time." Jerome says.

I nodded.

"But Jerome did you really love Mitch?" I ask Jerome.

I continued to walk waiting for an answer but hear no response.

"Jerome?" I turn around and see no one behind me.

"Jerome?" I say once again.

I look around to see where Jerome is.

I turn around and I see a person in a hoodie.

Before I could react the person put a towel on my face.

I struggle trying to make the person take the towel off me. But I couldn't. I soon gave up and saw only darkness.

Some Memories Leave Scars (Setosorcerer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now