Sing Yourself A Lullaby

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Chapter 33

I feel to the ground on my knees ds slowly.

"No!" I cried with terror.

"She's not dead! She can't be!" I yelled.

Before I could say anything else I could feel tears streaming down my face.

Suddenly, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Jimmy, please don't-" Marian says with a small sniff.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed at my little sister. Then without thought I push Marian to the ground.

I hear gasps coming from every corner.

"Just leave me!" I yelled. "Leave me alone." I say more softer.


"What are you doing here alone and crying?" says a young voice that I don't recognize.

I turn around my face covered with tears.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl.

"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is why were you crying." the girl says fiercely.

"We'll these boys at my school are making fun of me." I say with a small pause.

"They would call me name and stuff but this time they went to far." I said as I sniffed a little.

The girl suddenly sits next to me on the train tracks.

"Those bullies!" the girl says angrily.

We both stay quite for a while but not for long.

"Since you haven't introduced yourself I will start. I'm Jimmy." I say as I give her a small smile.

"I'm Angel." Angel says.

"Angel?!" I say confused.

"But Angels don't excite!" I say.

"Yes they do!" Angel argued.

I shrug.

"We'll you think whatever you want. They don't excite in my opinion." I protested.

All Angel does is smile.

~End Of Flashback~

I looked into the nursery. And see the child of Angel. The only thing left that I had of Angel.

The baby was tannish like his mother and had brown hair like me.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"You're name shall be Hanser." I say. "The name that Angel wanted."

Suddenly I laugh a little.

"Lesson number one Hanser. Some Memories Leave Scar...."

Don't worry there will be another one soon. This isn't the end. So technically it's To Be Continued. ~Angela

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