~Special Chapter~ Samantha

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~Special Chapter~

Chapter 7

I waited on Jimmy's chair thinking of what I could do.

"That idiot really thinks I love him." I thought to myself with a smirk.

"Now what should I do?" I thought.

Before I could think of anything Jimmy enters his house stomping.

"What's this idiot angry at now?"

"What's wrong baby?" I ask Jimmy sweetly.

"Nothing Samantha." Jimmy says angrily.

I then kiss his cheek trying to make him calm down.

In a few minutes Jimmy was calmer.

"So, baby I was wondering? I saw these super cute shoes and I was wondering if you could buy them for me?" I ask Jimmy.

Jimmy nods.

"How much do they cost?" Jimmy asks.

I think for a while.

"About $400." I tell Jimmy.

Jimmy's eyes widen.

"For just shoes?!" Jimmy says surprised.

I nodded as I kissed him.

"Just say yes! I can't handle kissing you anymore!" I thought to myself.

Jimmy is silent for a while.

"Alright." Jimmy says and gives me money for the shoes.

"Thanks babe!" I say as I kissed his cheek and smile.

But once I turned around my smile disappears.

"That's was so gross!" I thought as I walked outside of Jimmy's house.

"We'll at least I got new shoes." I whispered to myself as I got in the car and drove away.

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