I wanted to be angry but I couldn't. No one could've known, and Jin had a past with Director Momsen. He must've trusted him. And in order to trust him, he must've known him. I closed my eyes, world of emotions dashing through me. I didn't know what to feel, and I had no idea what was right. I wanted to be angry about no one knowing that my sister was in danger. But at the same time, how could you suspect your friends to be manipulating you. Not only that but also a government organization whose entire existence was to protect you. I sighed heavily, "I could be angry. I should be angry, in all honesty. But what good would that do? I'm worried and scared for Viola because she has no idea what's going on or why. I just want to find her and make sure she is safe."

"She probably isn't," a voice said behind us.

I looked over my shoulder to see Echo. She had cuts all over her body that she had merely smeared some medicine over and that was that. A bruise was forming on her shoulder, and I wondered if she had caught me in the fall. Jin huffed next to me, "You shouldn't say things like that."

"It's the truth," Echo's blue eyes were cold. "They have been experimenting on those who are paranormal or have traces of paranormal in their DNA. They have been creating a drug to heighten the abilities of those who are already gifted, and to give abilities to those who are not. Viola has traces because her sister is a dragon rider. The first day we arrived they probably grabbed her."

"Why are they doing this?" I asked.

"They want a super soldier," Jin replied heavily.

"And why would they want that?"

"It's the government, why else?" Echo snapped. I recoiled from her tone.

"They want to make the PAU into ALDAR." Jin's eyes widened as he looked up at Echo.

"ALDAR?" I echoed faintly.

The blonde's face, while already cold, became positively frozen. But not with blankness, with pure unrelenting fury. "ALDAR was formed during World War II and continued on in the shadows even after Nazi Germany collapsed. We were trained to investigate and eliminate any threat to our government and to our world. The paranormal one. ALDAR became known for having assassins and agents that quite literally, the shadows. And so, of course, idiotic, stupid humans decide to try and mimic it. Und Amerikaner und ihre verdammten Egos denken immer, dass sie alles besser machen können. Despite the fact that those who are begabtes are considered monsters, es sing Menschen, die die wahren Monster sind."

And with that Echo spun on her heel and re-entered the room with a very enthusiastic door slam. I blinked, simply sitting there for a moment before looking at Jin. "I caught most of that but then things got a bit blurry."

"She's German," he pointed out.

"Obviously," I replied in kind.

"Was Momsen always like this?" I asked.

"No, he was...he was a great man with vision and heart. It's why I – why he was chosen unanimously to be director. Because he had shown his heart, and his value over the years and we thought we could trust him. I was stupid." Jin muttered to himself at the end.

"No, you simply trusted someone's character. Who is this Sophie Grimm person?" I asked.

"To be honest, I don't really know much about her. Nearly six months after he was instated, she arrived as just a nurse and then after eleven months she was the official doctor. " Jin said.

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