Request for Rayne

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this imagine is for @okokalrighty- hope you like it:) 2nd best friend imagine in a row 😂

question for the day: which song from Flicker is your favorite?

I love Flicker, You and Me, Seeing Blind, and On The Loose, but my all time fav has to be Paper Houses. its so beautiful and UGH. AND THAT INSTAGRAM STORY OF HIM SINGING IT, RUNNING HIS HANDS THROUGH HIS HAIR AND OVER HIS STUBBLE, AND SHIRTLESS!!!! HE KILLED ME FHEUIWFEFIQ

ok enjoy...

Your POV:

The sub beat down on my back, a thin line of sweat forming along my hairline, my only craving right now was water. Wes had brought me to Six Flags in California today, and of course with my luck, it happened to be the hottest day of the summer. To say I was happy would be false; I was miserable. But, Wes wanted to spend time with me before he went on tour. I don't know why we couldn't have just gone shopping, had lunch of dinner, spent the day inside some museum or something.

At the moment, we were waiting in line to ride a ride, unfortunately it was the most popular one, meaning it had the longest line. I sighed and turned to Wes.

"Do we really have to wait in this long ass line? I'm melting," I whined, just wanting to leave and get a drink of water.

"But we're so close, Ray. Can we ride this one? I've been wanting to ride this for so long, but can never find time to come here."

"Ugh, fine. Only because I love you, Tucker." I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around to check if the line had moved any; it hadn't. I let out a loud sigh, which caught the attention of an attractive looking guy in front of me.


"Yes, very," I dramatically responded. I mean it was true, Wes was on his phone doing something the whole time we've been in line, leaving me to people watch, watch the little video on the screens above the line, and complain to myself.

"What's your name?"

"Rayne. What's yours?"

"Adam. Nice to meet you, Rayne. So, are you enjoying this long line?"

"Hell no. This is the worst thing in the world. I love roller coaster, but I hate this long line. Like, is the ride that amazing that there has to be this long of a wait? Seriously." Adam chuckled at my complaint, agreeing with me.

"My best friend is making me ride this with him, " he sighed this time.

"Mine too. But he seems to be more interested in his phone than spending time with me," I whispered the last part.

"Wow, that seems rude."

"Yep, I know right. He brought me here to spend time with him before he goes on tour around the country, but he has barely spoken a word to me this whole time." He gave me a sorrowful look, bring his hand up to pat my back to comfort me.

"He's probably busy with tour stuff, distracted by last minute preparations and all that."

"Probably. And I don't mean to sound needy or clingy or whatever, but he's my best friend. I wanna spent time with him before he leaves for months."

"I understand, love." I blushed a little at he cute nickname Adam gave me. I turned to Wes for a second to see him glaring at me. My face contorted in confusion, shock running through my mind.

"Wes, what's up?"

"Don't 'what's up' me. You've spent the past 15 minutes talking to some stranger instead of your best friend who's leaving in a few days. If you wanna be with him so bad, then I'll leave, just don't come and find me, okay?" He ranted and stormed off. My eyes widened as he shoved through the line of people, making his way out of the group of people and into the theme park again. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. I turned to Adam again and looked down at the ground.

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