Chapter fifteen

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Here is a picture of Keto he's 7 in his physical form but only a new vampire.


       I fought the urge. I had to stop Vlad. I can't stay with him and raise his demon children, okay they aren't all terrible. But Skylar and Brandon need me. I don't know how Quinton is going to stop him but he has too. There has to be a way out of this mess. I need to be the right mother for my children. I need to be there for them. "Help me, Jack, please." I whimpered. Jack and Espy were the only ones that even showed intrest in helping me. The others were to loyal to rebel against their father's orders. Mind controlled brats, shouldn't be like this. I had the knife in my hand. My body forced me up the stairs. "Please I don't want to do this, Vlad." I begged as one of the kids opened the door for me. Rotten children! I unwillingly walked to the edge of the bed. I cut myself on my shoulder and waited for evil Vlad to suck me dry. I hate this, I hate that he knows shapeshifters better than I do and I am the last flipping one. Why can't I go into hidding or have a bodyguard? You know what I'm stronger than this... I hope. Lord, willing I can break this spell.

     Thinking of my loved ones will give me the strength and courage to fight Vlad. This is for Brandon. I threw the knife down. This is for Skylar. I shifted into my wolf form. Ignoring the pain on my shoulder I stared straight at Vlad. This is for Quinton. I ran to Vlad and attacked him. I scratched his cheek before two of his kids pulled me off. I growled at them. Vlad smirked. "Love conquires all is a load of crap." he said as he slapped me across my muzzle.

     I have to get out of here. I need to do it without hurting anyone except leaving Vlad dead. I shifted into my troll form. The kids screamed at the sight of this purple monster. All of the little ones ran away. This is for Seth. I grabbed Vlad. One by one I ripped off his fangs. I dropped him. "Hatred brings emotional death. Try and find your emotions before the kids turn on you. I'm letting you live so they won't be orphans. Believe it or not I actually care about them. That brings me to another point. You have to many for yourself. So I will make a deal with you. You leave me and my family, Quinton included, alone then I will adopt three of your kids." I explained. I shifted to my fairy form.

"Why? Why do you show me mercy? I was going to kill you. I tried to kill you twice. But still you show me mercy. I don't understand." Vlad's shocked face and fear in his eyes was enough for me. I realized on the last minute that if I kill him I'm no better monster than he is. I walked over to Quinton and hugged him.

"He's right. You should kill him." Quinton whispered in my ear. He kissed me. For the first time, I felt free through this small peck. We walked up to Quinton hand in hand. "As the rightful aire to the throne, I abolish your title and I order you to give your crown to the next in line for the throne." Quinton sounded so strong in his voice it reminded me of my feelings for him. I blushed as I began to look back at our journey to this point.

"Jack Knight Tyson" I shouted with bass in my tone. Quickly Jack along with the other kids appeared. Lilith and Keto looked at me with fear in their eyes. Devlin and Natzi had pride in their eyes. They seemed happy for me. Esperanza was grinning. "By order of the Last Shapeshifter and formal King Quinton, I, Jaime Olivia York hereby announce the new king of vampires to Jack Knight Tyson." Quinton respectfully cut me off.

"On New Year's eve, your crowning ceremony will take place. Young Natzi, I give you the responsibilty of making sure your father is training Jack until his ceremony. Now I give the oppurtunity to my beloved girlfriend to choose which of you is coming to live with us. I will inform Jezabel about this so hopefully she will visit you from time to time." Quinton turned and kissed my left temple. Girlfriend? We're dating? Wow.

"Espy and Devlin welcome to the family. Lilith, I apologize but I believe you should live with your aunt Jezabel until Jack's 5th year of reign. As for Keto, your dad will be in charge of training you and feeding you animal blood. Jack, that's a new rule for all vampires no more killing to live; only donated blood or animal blood." I spoke with as much authority as I can muster.

               I'm going home, finally. All of the fighting is well worth it. I am free to raise my family.


I know it's short but I felt that this story needs to meet it's end so I can fix the sequal because the new shift in this chapter is not what I originally planned but I like it better. The Last Shapeshifter is suppossed to introduce everyone to the mythical world. TLSS 2: New Breed is a review with a conflict.

I am sorry for not writing this story as much as I used to.

Enjoy my other stories too. Have a blessed day/evening.



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