Chapter fourteen

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  • Dedicated to Elizabeth Martinez

The song goes perfectly with this chapter well sorta. The picture is of Vlad's bedroom.


       Chapter fourteen

Quinton's POV:

     Jaime has been gone for 3 months. The twins need her. We all miss her like crazy. My idiot of a brother thinks he can use her to get me to take the throne. Lucky for him I'm considering it, the jerk. I don't know how I can save her and not be forced to take the stupid throne as vampire king. Maybe I'll make a good king. Maybe my sister, Jezebel can take the job. She's been queen before, back when she was human. What people don't know is that my father found Jezzie after she was pushed out of the window back in the 800's BC. Before the dogs attacked he replaced her body with a dead body instead. She was turned and lived with my family ever since. That was long before I was born or even before Vlad was born. So Jezebel would gladly take over. But I have to take over if the human world realizes Jezebel never died then we will have a riot on our hands. No, I need to find Jaime and convince Vlad to let one of his kids take the throne.

       As I fed Brandon, I felt a strange feeling run up my spine. The need to find my love, Jaime, kept rising up in me, like a flooded river. My mind kept screaming at me, "go find her," again and again. My head is banging from this overwhelming stress. I have to find her. Who else would save her? Charlotte wouldn't leave her son to save her and she needs to take care of the twins. Seth is on wolfy lockdown. Reggie would only help. He won't do it on his own. Zachery is just a kid he would just get into trouble. Ugh looks like I'm the only one for the job.

     Prepare brother because I am coming for to fight for my Jaime.

 Jaime's POV:

        Training sessions are brutal but necessary. I am forced to learn how to shift back and forth without loosing my clothes. Before I was only able to turn from werewolf to fairy in order to keep my clothes. But if I shift from werewolf to human no clothes, troll to human no clothes, and werewolf to troll only ripped clothes survive. Fairy is the only form that has its own clothes so its the safest to shift to when I need to cover up. Jack's very strict and difficult to get along with.

     One day as we were fighting he came close to killing me. He attacked me at my side and I threw him down. "Don't hesitate" He yelled. Then he came around and attacked me so quickly I couldn't see him. He pulled me onto the ground by my hair. His foot stomped on my throat. "You have to pay attention, JJ. You have to use all of your senses. Vampires are the trickiest fighters because they are the fastest." He explained. I kicked his shin to get his foot off me. I tried to get up but he pushed me onto the ground harder this time. His hands on my arms and he was facing me the opposite side. "Jaime, you have to put your all in these fights. Hmm pretend I'm Vlad." He murmured. I growled as I shifted to my wolf form. I attacked him, ripping his arm off its socket. He screamed as he jumped onto my back and punched the back of my head, causing me to black out.

     When I woke up, I was in a grand bed. The silk sheets hugged my body. My neck felt stiff. I put my hand over it and felt a brace there. Vlad walked in then with Lillith and Keto following behind. Keto had flowers in his little hands. Lillith had a picture in her hands. They walked up to me. Vlad placed a tray on my lap. He sat me up and fluffed my pillow. "Is this your room, Vlad?" I asked. He winked at me.

"It can be ours if you want it to be. Do you like the dress? Espy dressed you. It's Egyptian cotton. My ex-wife Helen used to love expensive clothes. But I know you don't so I got you the simplest dress I could find. Do you like it?" Vlad answered. Keto placed the flowers in a vase beside me.

"Feel better, Mommy." He said as he patted my arm. I pulled him onto the bed and kissed his hand.

"Be a good boy, Keto." I said sternly. He giggled as he hopped off the bed. He nodded twice. Then he ran to Vlad's side. Lilith came onto the bed and snuggled beside me. "What do you have there, Lil?" I asked lightly. She grinned her pointed baby teeth grin. She handed me a picture of us all together as a family. "You're a wonderful artiest, Lillith." I praised her. She kissed my cheek.

"Will you be my mommy forever?" She asked shyly.

"Lil, I'm not a vampire nor could I turn into one. I'm a shapeshifter. I can be a troll, a werewolf, a fairy or even a vampire. But I can not be one form for a long time." I said trying to keep empathy in my tone. Lillith hugged me.

"Well at least you are my mommy now?" She said her voice filled with not hope but knowledge. I put her back on the floor. I glared at Vlad.

     I motioned for the kids to leave. They skipped out of the room. Once they were gone I let my anger out on Vlad. "How dare you promise those kids I'll be their mother!" I shouted. Vlad smiled at me as he walked up to me. "I have my own children. They need me. I need them. Those kids need a vampire mother not me. What if Keto or one of the other kids try to kill me? They are just kids they shouldn't be vampires in the first place they have little to now control. But imagine being in a child's body and being an adult by age. Can you imagine how much pain it must be for them to know that they will never become the adults they are?" When I was done scolding him, he placed his hand on the side of my neck. His thumb stroked my throat.

"I let you live and this is how you repay me by insulting my family." He leaned into my ear to whisper. "All I need to do is squeeze and the shapeshifter race is extinct. After you're dead, I will have my children feed on your punie little twins." I was shaking in anger.

     I took on my troll form and bashed his head against the wall behind me. I lost count of times I slammed his head after 14. If it wasn't for the voice I heard call my name I would have killed Vlad. No one, I mean no one threatens my babies. "Jaime, stop." Quinton's voice spoke softly. I dropped Vlad to the ground, his jaw was out of place, his blood was all over his face and neck, and he had a broken nose. Slowly I turned to face Quinton. Jake was standing beside him with a smirk on his face. I kept my hands in fists.

"Quinton, I want to kill him." I whispered, my troll voice deeper than my regular voice annoyed me because it wasn't the tone I wanted to have. Quinton had his arms outstretched for me. "He threatened my babies, Quin. He has to die." I said as I shifted from troll to vampire. Quinton took a step forward. Vlad grabbed my ankle and pulled me into him. I threw punches at his stomach and face. But he caught my hands and put them over my head. He licked my cleavage.

"Make one wrong move brother and I will have her heart out of her pretty little chest before she says ouch. Now close the door." He said to Quinton. I growled at him. He leaned into my ear and whispered a word in Latin, "Dimittere," that was all shapeshifters weakness. I was in my human form under him, powerless. That Latin word forces shapeshifters to power-down for 24 hours along with becoming the slave of that person that said it. Vlad smiled at me as he let got of my hands. He got up and pulled me up with him. "Now tell Quinton to take the throne. If he says no I want you to pick up the sharpest knife you can find and come back here. Then I want you to cut yourself and feed me your blood." He said loudly. "If he doesn't tell me to stop I won't. If he says yes before any of this you can leave. But he must stay." Vlad whispered. He then pushed me to the door. I walked out to do what he ordered, whether I wanted to or not.


Sorry it's been so long.

I hope you are enjoying this.

I promise I'm almost finished.

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