Chapter nine

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  • İtfaf edildi Christopher Rodriguez

This chapter introduces two new charcters as we say goodbye to one.  I will no longer write about Peter, Pearl, Katcheri, Mr. Keto or Mr. Ki. I have plans for Jaime to have a happy ending.


                                    Chapter nine

We went back into the woods. Dustin held my hand. Seth approached us limping. His left eye was bruised and his knee was bleeding. His lower lip was puffy and red. The bone in his other leg was slightly out of place. I jolted forward to help him but Dustin held me back. Seth frowned. "Seth, we need to take you to a hospital." I said as Dustin pulled me behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Dustin growled. Seth took a deep breath.

I shifted to my vampire form. Dustin turned to face me. I hissed and showed him my fangs. I slipped my hand out of his grasp. I picked up Seth and took off running. I ran passed the house. Seth touched my face. "What did he do to you?" He asked as I ran passed my house.

"He tried to imprint on me. He... He..." I couldn't finish.

"Just get me out of here." He mumbled.       

When I arrived at the hospital, three humans came to our aid. It was a man and two women. The man took Seth out of my arms. One of the women stayed with me. The other ran beside the man as they took him to a room. "Can you tell me what happened, dear?" The woman who looked to be in her forties asked.

"He got beaten up. I found him, limping in the woods. I carried him the entire way here." I explained as I played with my charm on my necklace.

The woman nodded as she scribbled down what I said. "Do you know his name? If so what relation do you have to this young man?" she asked.

"His name is Seth Oakly. I'm his girlfriend." I replied dryly.

"Do you know his parents numbers?"

"His parents; I'm sorry but he doesn't tell me anything about his family."

        She scowled at me then walked toward the double doors. I sat

down on an uncomfortable chair. There were at least 23 people in the waiting room. I was sitting next to a vampire with a human child, coughing beside her.

The vampire had her arm around the little human boy's shoulders.  She sang a Mother’s Prayer by Rachel Aldous. It was strange to hear a vampire sing a song so sweetly. But I’m guessing her son kept her vampire instincts intact because she didn’t want to hurt him. The song sounded relaxing and comforting. My mother used to sing me to sleep when I was little. She sang songs of mourning on the anniversary of someone in our family's death. I wish I continued the tradition.

       The little boy touched my knee. "You look as pretty as my mommy." He sighed. I patted his hand. I didn't bother changing forms so I smelled and look like a vampire.

"My name is Charlotte. My friends call me Lettie. This is Zachery."  She smiled at me. Her fangs weren't too noticeable. I wasn’t sure why she was acknowledging me.

An hour after me and Charlotte talked her son was admitted into the ER. Those two were very strange to me but I kept my mind on other things. In five days, I will give birth. It feels strange to think that.

I waited in the room for at least another two hours. Charlotte came out crying. She ran toward me. I tilted my head as she fell onto my knees in front of me. "What happened to Zack?" I asked quietly. Charlotte put her head on my knee. Her tears hit my leg like bullets. I wanted to comfort her but I didn’t know how. So I hummed A La Nanita, a Spanish lullaby.

            The nurse I met earlier called me over. I glared at her. "Seth, will be staying here for the night. Dr. Keener had some nurses set up an air mattress for you. Come with me I'll take you to his room." She explained. I followed her down the hall and into an elevator.

In the elevator, a man was lying on a rolling bed. I leaned over to look at his face. I gasped at the sight. It was Wesley. He looked so pale. He needed spices. His troll heart was losing the blood it needed. He will probably die soon. I picked up his hand. He moved his fingers slowly. "Goodbye my dear friend." I whispered. Wesley, such a good man, will no longer be in my life and it hurts to see him dying, slowly.

The elevator doors opened. The nurse took my wrist and pulled me to the receptionist's desk. She let go of my hand. I waved at her as she walked back to the elevator. "Excuse Nurse Faren. She has been bitter ever since her divorce three months ago." The young blond-haired woman said. I nodded. I looked around the white hospital area. Florida East hospital has so much Christian paintings. They add a feeling of hope.  

After the receptionist told me which room Seth was in, I squirted some hand sanitized on my hand from one of the nozzles. I hate the smell.

            Slowly I walked into Seth's room. There was Zachery on the first bed. He was breathing through a tube and had an IV on his right wrist. His mouth was formed into a grimace. Charlotte was nowhere in sight.

On the other side of the room, Seth was groaning in pain. "Ahh" He screamed out of frustration. I rolled my eyes. I turned back to look at Zachery. He looked to be at least 8 years old. I walked up to him and took his left hand in both of mine. His grimace changed to a frown.

"Zach, wake up. Zachery." I felt somehow close to Zachery. He seemed special in some way. His brown hair was pushed out of his face.

Charlotte walked in. She looked like she had been crying for hours. I let go of Zachery. But I couldn't find the strength to leave his side. "He's not an average boy." Charlotte whispered. I shook my head. He seemed completely human but he had something more than that in him.

"Is he a half-breed?" I asked. She walked toward me. She put some of my hair behind my ear.

She put her hand around my waist. There was no way of escape. Her skin was cold yet soft. "I know what you are." She whispered in my ear. Her nail scratched my skin. She leaned away from me to look at Zachery. "And I thought he was the last one." She breathed. Her long blonde hair swayed as she moved slowly toward her son.


Zachery is actually 9. He is only 1/4 shapeshifter. Please vote, comment, and tell your friends. Enjoy Jaime's story and please tell me what u think.

The picture is dedicated to the character Wesley.

         I am glad to say I am writing a story that has zero mythical creatures. YEAH me. Please check it out. I'll be posting more chapters once I edit them.

       Good Bless you, Sincerly,


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