Chapter five

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  • Opgedragen aan Frances Rodriguez

This is the only time I will do a chapter in Seth's POV I needed to show more of Mr. Ki and Mr. Keto's charateristics. Basically Mr. Ki is caring and strong because of his special powers. Mr. Keto is cruel and bitter because he is actually afraid of Jaime.

Here is a pic of Jeremy's wolf form he's a little bigger than Jaime's wolf form and the fur is lighter


Chapter five Seth's POV

            Mr. Ki tapped my shoulder. Mr. Keto got to my level. "Son, you have to show the enemy whose boss. She doesn't know it but she can kill you in a split second if she tries to control the ceremony. We need her to obey you. Do what you have been trained to do." Mr. Keto

"Be gentle with her, Seth. She has been through more pain than anyone I've ever seen. And she won't hurt you." Mr. Ki said.

            I left before they stared to biker. I went to my room to find Jaime bleeding on the floor. She was in her human form. She had on my yellow American Eagle t-shirt and my black NIKE basketball shorts. A movement came out from my closet. It was a vampire named Quinton Charles Tyson Moore. He used to be my best friend before he turned into a vampire. Now he tries to annoy me whenever he finds the time. "What do you want Quinton?" I growled which was dumb because I was still in wolf form.

           Quinton appeared beside Jaime. He sat cross-legged behind her. He put her head in his lap. Silently, he stroked her long brown hair. "Well well you thought you could hide her from me. Too bad she's mine now. Hum is she good in bed? I guess I'll find out after she wakes up as a vampire." Quinton laughed. Jaime whimpered. Quinton licked the blood off her shoulder. "There are just 9 more hours until she's mine." Quinton smirked.

           He got up and walked to me. He patted my head. I growled at him. "Seth." Jaime whispered. Quinton appeared by her side.

"Yes, baby I'm here do you want to go home now?" Quinton said using my voice. He stroked her cheek as he whispered loving lines to her.

           Jaime fell asleep. Quinton shook his head. "You werewolves are weird you know that. Don't worry she isn't going to turn into a vampire. I was just joking. But she tastes delicious though." Quinton murmured as he touched Jaime's neck softly. Then he opened my window
and jumped out.

              I turned back to my human form. I grabbed a pocket knife from my desk. I cut my wrist. It hurt a little. I put my wrist in Jaime's face. She didn't respond. "Jaime, come on we had a deal." I growled. Slowly she licked my wrist. Then she sucked off all the blood. I kissed her forehead. "Don't stop yet" I ordered. Jaime growled at me but made a new incision and drank my blood. "Tonight we will be one" I explained using my alpha voice. She lifted her head. Her eyes were closed softly. Blood was smeared around her bottom lip.

"Yes, Master anything you say" She replied pain clear in her voice.

           Hearing her sound in pain was the worst thing possible. I can't hurt her. I took my wrist away from her. She looked so scared. "Forget what I said. It's been a long day. We'll worry about the ceremony tomorrow." I sighed as I put on some sweat pants. I took her hand and lead her to my bed. Thats when she opened her eyes.

            She hugged me. I kissed her hair. Jaime looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I'm sorry I killed Greg." She breathed. I kissed her lips gently. Jaime wrapped her arms around my neck. I broke the kiss.

"You had every right to kill him." I whispered. She shook her head.

"I have every right to be dead. What the elders want from me is probably the best thing anyone will offer me. Please tell me why I am the last shapeshifter." Tears filled her eyes as she spoke. I brushed them away from her cheeks as they flowed.

             Jaime is partially right. A shapeshifter's abilities are impossible to control. This is why the elders wanted me to imprint on Jaime, so she will be controlled. As if being an alpha wasn't hard enough, now I have to take care of Jaime for the rest of our lives.

           I took a deep breath before answering. "I've told you this before. You were never told why shapeshifers needed to be killed. But you're special." I whispered.

       That night, it felt right to have her with me. Even though I gave her some space it felt like I had my other half right beside me. She smelled wonderful. The warmth coming off of her back as it brushed mine made me shiver. It was hard to stay in that postion but I'm glad I made it.


I'm sorry but I don't plan on Quinton coming back any time soon but if you want him to come back please comment me. I hope you guys like it. Its a book I don't take seriously so there isn't to much description or flashbacks but I usually don't do that with most of my books because I want the reader to make up their own idea of what the places details are.

Thanks for reading please Vote, comment or get your friends to read it too

Let me remind you I'm a Christian I don't agree with whatever beliefs or rituals or ceremonies the tribe does. I just have it there as any idea of how crazy some people can get. The next chapter will be back in Jaime's prospective. ;-) More will come soon

   God bless ya, Krystal_Nova

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