🌺Introduction; Faking Love Hurts🌺

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This book involves:
•Alcohol addictions
•Unloyal lovers
•Gay ships
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Two young boys meet because of their closest friend; Jeon Jungkook. Ever since they've met it was obvious that Jungkook was playing Cupid and it made him happy to help his friends find love! However, every angel makes mistakes at times just like the average human and thus was one of those mistakes...


"It's decided! You two will go on a date tonight!" Jungkook explains bouncing up and down in his seat, clapping like a seal while the other two stare at each other with wide eyes and a blush across their faces. They are currently sat comfortably at one of the cafeteria's tables eating away at whatever foreign looking goop the cafeteria ladies would serve. If it smells good it's edible, right?

"You can't force us!" Jimin scolds Jungkook, while Jungkook  pouts like a 4 year old and crosses his thin arms disappointedly.

"Please~! Vmin would be soooo cute~! Do it for me?" Jungkook begs while literally on all fours on the cafeteria floor, using his doe eyes and bunny smile as an affective weapon. And it always works somehow..!

"F-Fine..." They agreed in unison, refusing to make eye contact with each other and refusing to speak to one another.

That was Jungkook's first mistake... many were made after that moment.


However, not too long after the two of Jungkook's hyungs had started seeing each other romantically, Taehyung and Jimin argued about something about their relationship regularly; Whether they really felt love for each other.

Jungkook would always be the first to keep them together even if it meant he would get hurt himself. Sometimes physically, other times mentally and emotionally... One other time sexually...

It didn't take long for Taehyung and Jimin to soon grow to be sick of each other and they refused confront each other in fear that they will hurt each other and oddly Jungkook, yet Jungkook still attempted to keep them together as a couple.

"If you wasn't for you, Jungkook, I wouldn't have to deal with this brat!" Taehyung shouted at a quivering Jungkook who is curled up in the corner of the dark room while Taehyung and Jimin throw objects at each other. From heavy books to actual fragile wine glasses.

"You asshole!" Jimin shouts back in response, gripping onto an intoxicated Taehyung's collar and shoving him against a nearby bookshelf.

"You fucking prostitute! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CHEATED!" Taehyung screams back, picking up another glass.

Raising it up in the air...

Gripping onto it harshly...

And he had thrown it at Jimin...

But it hit Jungkook's arm and he was bleeding a lot...

It just kept on flowing out like a never ending waterfall... and it stung like a million needles had just stabbed his arm...

"I'LL LEAVE IF YOU GUYS CAN BE HAPPY WITHOUT ME!" Jungkook shouts and stomps out of the door with a soon to be scar on his arm, tears running down his now emotionless face and... an aching heart.

Imagine how Jungkook felt! His two favourite hyungs had hurt their favourite little brother... but what always bugged Jungkook was that he was the one who influenced such a troublesome, abusive couple. I mean thanks to Jungkook, Jimin has become a cheater and Taehyung has developed an alcohol addiction. They still are 'dating' for the past two years. Jungkook had heard from a certain high school friend that...

They're the definition of a toxic relationship.

Did you enjoy it???

I know it's kinda dark for a fanfic from someone who usually likes being soft and fluffy, but I was hoping to try a different style. What do you guys think?

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