Chapter 71

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{We are ending it when Tommy and Adam leave for the tour which is this episode here haha}

"Can I go with you before you leave?" I asked Tommy and he nodded.

"Yes you may."

I smiled and kissed him, Adam called him saying he needs to leave like NOW and needed him there soon, Tommy told him he'll be there soon and we went to the car together and drove there, I'm gonna miss Tommy even though he'll be gone for 3-4 months, it probably won't be long till he comes back cuz I want him by the babies side and I just wanted him home for good when he returns. We got to the bus and loaded up the bags in the bus, Gabby was also there with the band saying bye to Adam and all, I leaned on the car and looked down, I wasn't ready at all for him to leave, even when the babies are growing but, Gabby will be there for me and so will my parents and friends too. After they got done loading up everything, it was time to say goodbye. I didn't want this to end, I still wanted Tommy here with me but, they are making a come back with the album, the tour with Adam by himself and with Queen so, this could be a great chance for all of them and they could double the money a lot more then what they usually get. Tommy came over and hugged me, he hugged me for 2-3 minutes and kissed me.

"I love you Beck, I really do."

"I love you too."

Tommy smiled and kissed me one last time and went inside the bus, Adam hugged Gabby then me and went inside the bus, we saw the bus leaving and tears come out of our eyes.

"Well, there goes our boyfriends."

"Yeah, I'm gonna head home."

"You gonna be ok?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Ok, if anything happens, just call me and I'll be there for ya."

"I will and thanks."

"No problem."

We smiled and went to our cars when suddenly, we just bursted into tears and ran up to each other and cried on each other's shoulders, after about 4 minutes of crying, we let go and went to our cars again and drove off.

|That's it for this book and on the the next one, I'm gonna talk to Gabby and see what we will add next in the story, see ya guys later!|

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